It’s Time!
Kitchen Revival Is Upon Us!
Grab Your Spatula and Pot and let’s make some noise. It’s time we take back Freedom in Food, it’s time we take back the kitchen, it’s time we take it back from companies that only care about the bottom line. It’s time we take back Our Health! I’m not going to sugar coat this anymore.
Scroll down to START now!
Find the Kitchen Revival Resources HERE!
Who’s with me?
Let’s do this!!
Simply GO HERE and Join for FREE and everyday a new blog post will be released in your account so you can follow along! Also join the Facebook Group (Below)
After many decades of being led to think that food needs to be cheap, easy, convenient and fast it has led us down a dark road of food that lacks nutrition, filled with chemicals and is harming our bodies from the inside out.
It’s not your fault, it really isn’t. Our society over the years has led us all to believe that we need to be doing and going and at a very fast rate. If we are so busy doing and going then we never have time to stop, feel, think and enjoy. And this applies to probably many aspects but since I’m a Food Prood, I’ll stick to the topic the best I can on FOOD.
Let’s take back control of our food.
Take it OFF the Back Burner and make it a priority.
I really believe and feel that Food is our Fuel- if you do not fuel it with good nutrient dense food, then what will you get? You’ll get sickness, diseases, issues, inflammation, and the list goes on and on. I’m not a DR but I can clearly see the relation between GOOD food and a GOOD body. That goes for the opposite as well; BAD food equals a BAD body.
Join the Facebook Kitchen Revival Group to Get Started
So what can we do? We can fall back in love with our Food, with our Kitchen. It’s time for a Kitchen Revival and it starts with YOU.
What can you do? You can start, you can “Just do it”. Don’t overthink it, it doesn’t need to be perfect.
No more waiting around for something magical to happen. It already has, God created Food for us long long ago. He created seeds that form beautiful nutrient filled foods that automatically replant and keep growing. He also created animals that do the same thing. They provide so much nutrition especially when grown and treated right.
Maybe you’re not able to raise your own animals or even a large garden. But that’s ok! You can buy from local farmers, farm markets, homesteaders and the like. You can meet the people who are growing the food, you can ask questions, you can feel a part of the food experience.
You can look at what your family consumes and pick 1 item a week (or a month) and replace it with something that YOU make. That YOU create. That YOU made with love with only a few ingredients, not a long list of harmful chemicals.
–Can you start making bread at home and stop purchasing from the store?
–Can you look at your boxed items? What one’s that you can stop purchasing and recreate it at home with whole ingredients?
–Can you plant some herbs in your kitchen on your windowsill?
–Can you stop at a local farm and pickup some fresh vegetables?
–Can you purchase pasture raised organic fed pork, chicken, or beef from a local farmer/homesteader?
It’s Time To Become Part of the Solution!!
Start HERE for printables + instructions
Day #1 Mindset – Printables & Master Supply List
Day #2 My Kitchen – Favorite Items
Day #3 Health Journey – Free Living Cleaner Ebook
Day #4 Being Ready at All Times
Day #5 Getting Spicy
Day #6 How to Become a Food Prood
Day #7 Bread & More Bread
Day #8 All things Sourdough
Day #9 Dirty & Organic
Day #10 Making Your Own
Day #11 Involving the Family
Day #12 Taking Care of Your Largest Organ
Day #13 Recipes & More
Day #14 Why I don’t meal plan
Day #15 Recreating restaurant meals at home
Day #16 Keepin it Simple + A lesson
Day #17 Breakfast Time
Day #18 Cooking from Scratch
Day #19 Recreating Fav Kid Meals
Day #20 Pasta All Day Every Day
Day #21 Grow Baby Grow
Day #22 Grow REAL Food
Day #23 Wrap UP & Now What