Welcome to the Garden Revival!
grow – cultivate – harvest – preserve
I’m so very excited to be sharing with you my knowledge that I have gained over the past (nearly) two decades! Here on our homestead we raise 80% of our own food along with the animals a good part comes from the gardens that I tend. I will also be sharing with you how over the past few years I’ve learned about Herbs and how absolutely amazing they are. I have seen and felt the healing and so much can be found right in our back yard. Read below how it’s going to work plus the printables!
So get ready because here we GROW!!
“The Love of a Garden Starts with a Single Seed”
– Laura Lawrence (that’s me!)
Here’s how it’s gonna work! Over the next month, 20 different posts will be sent out. Each day will build upon the other as I feel this will help you grow your garden, your love of where food comes from and so much more. We are working towards creating a Legacy of Food & Health.
My goal with the Garden Revival is to lay the foundation of where good food actually come’s from. To bring in the family. To work hard. To be rewarded. To Learn. To continue learning. TO JUST DO IT!!! Seriously, I will stress on so many occasions how important it is to just go and do it. It does not have to be perfect nor the right timing, if you want this, you need to go and do it. I feel this whole month will better equip you not only with the mindset to garden but also the tools to get out there and GROW!
After each day there is a post go back to the FACEBOOK Group and POST/SHARE/COMMENT what you learned, or what resonated with you that day, or questions. The more you contribute the more you’ll get out of it. PLUS I like to to GIVEAWAYS to my Top Contributors.
Today please grab a binder and print off
Garden Revival Tab Divider Page
Be on the look out for the next post and get ready to learn!
If you haven’t already participated in the Kitchen Revival be sure to check that out HERE!

Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.