Let’s take a look at what some people are saying about my classes.

Renee “Sourdough saves my budget 100% of the time. I have six kids, and they’re always hungry, sourdough has saved my butt many times. My budget is tight and it’s hard to always come up with things for them to eat. I know when I put that loaf in the oven, or pull that waffle iron off the shelf, I’m about to give them some goodness that didn’t come from a package. I feel empowered that I’m doing something good for my family that is also cost-effective. Without this class I would have never known it was so easy. I’m not a super duper fabulous chef by any means or baker. It’s common sense and it’s easy to do. I have used Laura’s recipes for making pizza, white loaves of bread, bagels, and muffins. Everything is eaten up within a day. The nice thing is I can come back to it if it’s too much. There’s times when I stick it in the refrigerator and I give it a break. When I pull it back out it’s fresh and ready to go. I’ve done cheap flour and it’s worked and I’ve done expensive flour and it’s awesome! It depends on what I can afford at that time and that’s okay. I highly recommend learning this skill, start with something easy and it’ll be doable. Laura takes the mystery out of sourdough. Get some flour on your hands and let’s start your journey!

Lori “I am so glad I took Little Laura’s Farm homesteading course. I kept talking about wanting to do a garden but she helped me get out of my analysis paralysis. Already thinking about what I can add next year😜 Next up, making soap from rendered lard then an online cheese making course from Laura “

From another “You are such a great host and teacher. Sharing your passion for what you do has been transforming to me and my family. We appreciate everything you do!”

Kelly “Laura’s workshops are inspiring for the new or experienced gardener! Lots of great tips, takeaways and take home goodies!”

Brittany “The workshop series this summer was absolutely fantastic! It was very helpful to have such a knowledgeable teacher that truly wants to share all her advice. It was also nice not to feel like a total beginner even though I totally was! There was no competition, just good conversation and hands on garden tours. Thank you Laura and I hope you can continue making this work for you and your family!”

Kim – “I’ve attended two classes that Laura had hosted one being a herbal class where she taught us about the greatness herbs can do for us and how to make healing tinctures, teas, infused oils etc. It was a fantastic hands on class. Gave me a lot of knowledge and the drive and ambition to learn more and to put it into practice into my and my families life. I plan to plant my own herb garden this spring. The second class was how to make soaps, salves and lotion bars. I’ve wanted to learn to do this for so long. She explained the how’s, had a great informative print outs for us and again, hands on so we could see how to actually make all of these things all naturally. It’s a great thing being able to take more chemicals out of our lives and use natural. Laura’s classes are fantastic. She is very passionate about teaching these things.”

Tara “Learning how to keep, use, and bake with sourdough seemed foreign and scary, but Laura’s class made it simple and easy! She gives practical tips, delicious recipes, and ways to troubleshoot your sourdough starter. Laura makes it easy to incorporate one small, healthy change into your daily life and is the best cheerleader you can have on your team! I was able to work hands on with prepared sourdough learning new skills and techniques. One of the best parts was being able to try how amazing it is and take your starter home too!”

Heather “I’ve taken a few of Laura’s homesteading classes. I’ve enjoyed all of them! My favorite was the gardening class. She teaches you everything you need to know to plant a garden and to do it successfully. I planted a garden and it was awesome. If you can take this class, do it! “

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Old Fashioned Skills in a Modern World.

Old Fashioned Skills starts right in YOUR kitchen! Join the Kitchen Revival where I”ll be showing you how to START learning old fashioned skills in a modern way.

Do you LOVE Cheese? I sure do! I’ll show you how to make Cheese at home the simple way. You won’t need a lot of fancy equipment or items just a few simple things + milk and your on your way! Freedom in Food

Creating a Revival in your kitchen

Are you interested in learning all about Sourdough? A great place to start is right here <— I’ll show you WHY it’s important to incorporate Sourdough into your life and HOW to create delicious Sourdough for every day items.

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