Starting the Day off Right

I’ll admit I’m not the biggest breakfast fan, I personally like to wait to eat till 10am (that’s when my body says it’s hungry typically unless I create a habit of eating with the kids in the morning) However the troops as I like to call them are hungry and rightly so they are growing exponentially and I just need to maintain.  The kids are a bit older now but when they were toddlers it was like deafcon 2 in the morning if food wasn’t ready! Anyone else experience that?  Now I can relax a bit and they can wait, thank goodness because cooking from scratch takes some real effort and I don’t always want to get up at 5am to be ready.

A few ways to help though have breakfast on the ready is by making it the night before, or making extra when you do make it and freeze it and pop it back out in the morning to bake.  Great things to freeze I have found is pancakes, waffles, toast, casseroles, sliders, quesadillas, and quiches.

We raise our own chickens and feed them certified organic feed from a semi local small farmer so we trust his process, no big ag here! Remember talking about the importance of organic vs just non gmo?  also our chickens free range much to my dismay of my beautiful porch. (video below to see how I combat that hillbilly style)  Which brings me to the topic EGGS, in my opinion we have been  mislead by the big companies (I know shocking right) that egg whites are the healthy part and not the yolk. I completely disagree. The egg yolks are loaded with nutrition beyond belief, they are a super food.

According to Mercola

Now the important thing here is that the chickens are free range (Like legit, not like a cafo Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or “free range” where they are given 1 sq foot semi outside, that doesn’t count) fed organic feed & eat bugs and see sunlight. I’ll be releasing a course soon on how to raise your own chickens, however until then BUY LOCAL, check out the farm that your buying them from. I invite people all the time to our place to give tours so they can see how their meat/eggs/veggies are being raised.

The kids aren’t huge fans of eggs…or at all really so I get a little sneaky with casseroles, wraps, breakfast quesadillas and my husbands “lumberjack”  On other days it’s soaked oats (soaking overnight in raw organic milk helps break down the oats to make it easier and healthier to digest), sourdough pancakes (again the sourdough part breaks down the gluten and phytic acid so your body is able to digest it easier).

A word on your typical waffles, pancakes THE SUGAR! Golly stay away from the sugar as much as possible or find healthier replacements. I do use sugar in some of my recipes but typically it’s MUCH lower than other recipes or found in premade mixes.  It’s cheaper & healthier to make your own mix. Also the cereals out there, c’mon look at the sugar levels please. Refined sugar is horrendous. 

I’ve yaked on long enough but what your feeding yourself and your children right in the morning makes a huge difference on the outcome of the day, so take extra time to start it off right. Everyone will thank you for it. Extra effort goes a long way.

Recipe Time!!





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