Let’s Get Dirty! Glyphosate – Heirloom Seeds – Non -GMO VS Organic

Now today’s topic is heavy and there can be quite a rabbit hole we can go down. I’ll try to stick to the basics, give you some background,
and I encourage you to do your own research to come up with your own conclusions.  Isn’t that wonderful? We can think for ourselves and
make our own decisions. Now that’s what power is, it’s your turn to take back the power from corporations that don’t give a crap. It’s your
turn to say “NO, I’m not eating that!”  Let’s do this together!!

First up Glyphosate – it’s a chemical that according to the NIH (National Institute of Health) this site even states it is “moderate toxic and volatile”.

“Glyphosate is a synthetic organophosphate compound that blocks the activity of enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase and is used as a broad-spectrum pesticide. It is characterized as a volatile, moderately toxic, colorless, odorless crystalline solid or powder, and exposure occurs by inhalation, ingestion, or contact.”

Now that’s saying something if the NIH is even coming clean about that fact. Now what is Glyphosate? It’s an herbicide/pesticide that is
sprayed on most crops in order to kill the weeds.   So, it kills the weeds, why doesn’t it kill the plant itself? It used to but not anymore.

They came up with genetically modified seeds (that are unable to be saved and replanted, more on that below) that are “round-up ready”.
This way that toxic junk they are using kills only the weeds not the plant.  How about the soil? The microorganisms living in the soil?
What about the water that runs off from the land?

According to the EPA the US Environmental Protection Agency

“No evidence that glyphosate causes cancer in humans.EPA’s database includes studies submitted to support registration of glyphosate and studies EPA identified in the open literature.”

They use to say that agent orange was safe to. Think about that.  “Exposure to glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, increases the risk of a cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma by 41 percent, according to a new analysis from researchers in the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS).” Washington University states.

Ok enough on that, I think you get the point and you can start to make decisions and research. 

Food is Our Fuel, Fuel it the Best

This does however bring me to the next topic of Heirloom Seeds VS Genetically Modified Seeds (GMO).  Did you know that you cannot  save the seed and replant from GMO seeds? I mean you can, but
you’ll get some sort of “franken” fruit or vegetable that will not taste  good if you get it to plant at all.  Read what is GMO and where to find them in at the Non Gmo Project.  – A really good read!

On the flip side of that is heirloom seeds- You can save seeds from these vegetables, plants, etc. and replant them. So, in the beauty of  God’s world one of His creations was a seed. This seed turns into a plant, produces fruit which has seeds, it drops the seeds, replants, re-grows and so on.  Amazing work right there!

I urge you to purchase only heirloom seeds even if you are not thinking of seed saving.  I feel these seeds have actual nutrition in them that’s just waiting to bust out and grow and give to us.

seed saving from the garden
Seed Saving Guide HALF OFF this Month!

I have a wonderful seed saving online course that will walk you through all things about Seed Saving. Videos + Workbook + Curriculum If your interested in this it will be HALF OFF for the month of January only.  Click HERE to check it out.


Have you ever heard of the Environmental Working Group EWG?

They are a hard working group that puts out a great guide every year. If you Click HERE you’ll be able to download it as well. It’s the “Clean Fifteen” and “Dirty Dozen”.  They are constantly testing produce for pesticides and basically what they are saying is if you can not buy organic then go ahead and get the “clean fifteen” but if at all possible the “dirty dozen” you should avoid or buy organic only.  Now I have heard in the past that maybe they are paid off, I do not know about that and at some point I just have to trust stuff a bit ya know what I”m saying?  Fortunately for us we grow most of our own food all organically and work very hard at it.


What exactly does Organic mean?  In my opinion it’s the best. Now of course the label “USDA Organic” here in the United States also has been blemished stating their being bought off, and this could very well be true. But again I have to trust something at some point just a bit.  This is another reason why growing your own food is important. And I’ll discuss this a lot more towards the end of the Kitchen Revival.

Organic  means ‘(of food or farming methods) produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizerspesticides, or other artificial agents.”. It means a lot to me. It  means it’s clean, it’s healthy, it’s the closest to what God intended which would have the highest nutrition rate.

You know the saying “God Made Dirt and Dirt Won’t Hurt”  I’m here to say that  “But Man Came Along & Screwed it Up”  So Dirt probably isn’t that safe anymore unless you are doing it organically.

There’s a lot of confusion that purchasing or using Non-GMO is good, and well it is to a certain point it does not mean that the seed wasn’t sprayed, the land wasn’t fumigated with pesticides and toxic chemicals. It doesn’t mean that the animal wasn’t treated wrong, or stuck in a confined pen, that it wasn’t shot up with hormones and other drugs.  It’s only a smidge of a good start. You need to go farther in my opinion that just “non gmo”. Go farther & do better.


Ok rabbit hole avoided! I think.  Please do your research, think outside the box and live a better life.  There really is a community out there that is large & growing that believes the same thing.  We can do this – especially together.


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[…] from a semi local small farmer so we trust his process, no big ag here! Remember talking about the importance of organic vs just non gmo?  also our chickens free range much to my dismay of my beautiful porch. (video below to see how I […]


[…] #1 Start with the correct seeds […]


[…] #1 Start with the correct seeds […]


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[…] from a semi local small farmer so we trust his process, no big ag here! Remember talking about the importance of organic vs just non gmo?  also our chickens free range much to my dismay of my beautiful porch. (video below to see how I […]


[…] #1 Start with the correct seeds […]


[…] #1 Start with the correct seeds […]

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