MSG Mono Sodium Glutamate

So, our first topic is MSG Mono Sodium Glutamate. I’ve touched base on this before in previous blog posts and newsletters, but I’ve never taken the dive into it, so here I am today. Let’s do this!

 It’s a devil of a thing, a sneaky devil thing.

According to the NIH website it states “Beside its flavour enhancing effects, MSG has been associated with various forms of toxicity (Figure 1(Fig. 1)). MSG has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.” – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the nation’s medical research agency with the largest funding.

“Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is one of the most widely used food-additives in commercial foods. Its application has increased over time and it is found in many different ingredients and processed foods obtainable in every market or grocery store.”

See what I mean by Sneaky!!?!???!! 

On ScienceDirect we find further information, “MSG symptom complex, Chinese restaurant syndrome (CRS), glutamate-induced asthma, hot dog headache, or MSG syndrome are terms used to describe a cluster of symptoms that could be mild or severe. The symptoms included headache, nausea, weakness, sweating, chest pain, burning sensation, facial pressure/numbness, flushing, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, muscle tightness, abdominal discomfort, skin rashes, abnormal heart rhythms, asthma, neuropathy, atopic dermatitis, and syncope”

That is quite the list of feeling like crap symptoms. I mean come on how is this stuff even in our food? Why is it even in our food?

The reason why companies use MSG in their products is to “enhance” the flavor.  Looking into this topic further basically they use it to reduce the amount of REAL food and spices in their products! What? Well actually I’m not shocked at all; most companies are only about the bottom line. Gotta make that money honey. But at what expense? I mean “Who’s” expense? OURS! That’s who’s.  I’m simply not ok with this. I’m not ok with how they use it, that they even use it, that it’s legal and certainly not how it makes people feel.

It’s time to remove this from your pantry.  After reading this I need you to run and look in your cupboards and find all the food that you have on hand that contains this devil of an ingredient.


common foods containing monosodiumglutamate


That covers quite a range of food, doesn’t it? I agree, it may seem overwhelming, especially if you do pull out all the items in your pantry that contain it.  If you are on a budget, use up what you pulled out and then replace all those items with options that do NOT contain MSG. This is a huge step, but it’s a VERY doable step.

Plus, there’s no reason why we need this! We do not need to add any unnecessary junk to our bodies.

When you do this, your body is busy fighting or processing the junk and cannot function properly. It’s too busy to create good gut bacteria. It’s too busy to work on your immune system. It’s too busy to feel alive. Don’t make it busy on nonsense like MSG.

So skip the fast food, make your own seasonings like my Taco Seasoning and JD’s Meat Rub.  Make your own BBQ sauce in 5 minutes! Create whole food soups like my 15 Minute Tomato Soup or Spaghetti Sauce. Replace the typical ramen noodle soup with these delicious and organic ramen noodles and create your own seasoning using real spices and bone broth.

You do not need to go without good food, you just need to adjust your thinking a bit. Cook with REAL ingredients and take a few extra minutes to look at those labels when purchasing at the store.

Please send me your photos of the items you found in your pantries – I would love to see how you took the time to implement your first step into becoming a Food Prood! Email me at: [email protected] I’m waiting!

how to become a food prood


Here’s a video of what my garden looks like!


Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.


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