Keepin on – Keepin on

We’ve been really busy on the Homestead which is a good thing; it keeps me out of trouble.  (I think)

On Saturday after raising lots of meat birds (Cornish cross rocks) we needed to go ahead and butcher them.  For the most part we leave them whole but for some the hubby cut off the thighs and legs as one piece, and then the wings as well.  The birds turned out really good size and look really good. We are thankful for that and the freezers being full.  Justin, the hubby, likes to use our smoker to smoke a lot of meats and a favorite are the thighs & legs especially during the summer when cooking outdoors is much appreciated. During the other months I will cook the whole chicken in the crock pot (still frozen) and then later that day pull it apart and make many different types of recipes. Here are some of my favorites

Chicken Pot Pie
Everything but the Kitchen Sink Casserole
Creamy Chicken & Pasta
Cheesy Chicken Taquitos
How to Cook A Whole Chicken


Today we have a NEW recipe Sourdough Cinnamon Raisin Bread– it’s a fancy but  not as hard artisan loaf but with delicious buttery cinnamon mixture in the middle with lots of raisins and it’s yummy!!

After the big o butchering day it was time to sit down for a few minutes with a sigh of relief that it’s over. BUT….. then we started planning on when and how many more to get THIS YEAR! So yes, we’ll be at it again but it’s how we roll.

So yeah I believe I’ve been keeping out of trouble, how about you?

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