What is Diatomaceous Earth Used for in the Garden?

Learn HOW to use DE, When to use DE and HOW it works

The uses for diatomaceous earth are many but in the garden diatomaceous earth can be used as an insecticide. Diatomaceous earth works to get rid of insects such as:

  • Aphids
  • Thrips
  • Ants
  • Mites
  • Earwigs
  • Bedbugs
  • Adult Flea Beetles
  • Cockroaches
  • Snails
  • Slugs

When the dust is sprinkled on the ground or leaves the insects will crawl across it and the sharp edges from the dust will basically cut through their protective covering and dries them out. Please purchase FOOD GRADE ONLY

Warning: Do NOT use if you plan on watering your garden or when it rained or going to rain.  It will basically render it useless and you would have wasted your time and efforts.

Diatomaceous earth will not harm the worms or any of the beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

How to Apply Diatomaceous Earth

Simply sprinkle around the plant and/or the leaves if you see signs of leaves being eaten.  Please take extreme caution as this powder could be inhaled into your lungs. Wear a mask or something similar when applying.


DE is highly effective and I use it often. Store the remaining DE in a shed and away from moisture as best as possible.



You can read more at: Gardening Know How – https://www.gardeningknowhow.com



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