Amazing & Easy Homemade Laundry Soap

diy homemade laundry soap

Only 3 Ingredients

Bar Soap –  Borax – Washing Soda

Now you’ve probable seen a recipe about homemade laundry detergent before and it most likely contains Fels Naptha and in my opinion and EWG  “The Environmental Working Group” gives this a poor rating which you can check out HERE. I believe that what we use on our body is just as important as what we put in our body. Our clothes are the same, they are being washed in such harmful chemicals that disrupts and harms our systems in ways I can’t not even understand it all to be honest. I just know that I do not want to add extra harm to my body and my families.

So what’s my solution? I choose to use Dr. Bronners specifically the “Baby” bar soap. It’s the safest, less harsh soap I have found. It’s unscented and that’s what I personally like the best. I”m not a fan of smelly scenty things. However Dr Bronners bar soaps come in several scents so you get to choose. It doesn’t really make your clothes smell like the scent in my opinion but you could try.   I purchase Dr Bronners bar soaps from either Azure Standard (See if they have a drop near you, they have tons of bulk organic items that are priced great!) or Frontier Wholesale.

I can not even tell you how long I’ve been making this laundry soap and enjoying it very much. It also can make a great gift! I have never had a problem with it not cleaning the clothes good enough. Sometimes I’ll switch from using this for awhile and then to a liquid detergent that is clear of all fragrances. I’m very careful with what goes into my body and what goes onto my body. I only want clean ingredients, that’s why I’m a “PROOD”.

Also BONUS Stain Remover Remedy BELOW! 

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Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
Borax by 20 Mule Team
Dr. Bronners Pure Castile Bar Soap 

OR my amazing Lard Soap – You can purchase from me or Make your own!


Using a Food Processor or some sort of grater, grate up your bar soap. I usually do 2 or 3 at a time just to get it done.

Mix equal parts of the bar soap, borax and washing soda and stir until combined and mixed thoroughly.

Use 1 tablespoon per laundry load.

Tip: I usually run my laundry on the cool or cold setting, heat tends to speed up ruining your clothes, plus it saves on the budget (not using the water heater).


Stain Removing Treatment – Have Tough Stains?
Try this easy and has never failed me treatment!

Run your stained area under water to saturate, rub with a bar of soap (I use either my homemade soap or the castile soap). Then pour on peroxide. Let sit for a few hours and wash as normal. Voila! I’ve used this on all colors, all stains (even oily stains) and have been successful. If it doesn’t work the 1st time try again.

—- My Food Processor which I LOVE!



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