Greek Yogurt – Sprouts – Lotion Bars – A Challenge

First I’m here to challenge you! Become a Food Prood- It’s good to care what goes into your body. Can you please look into your cupboards right now and do you have MSG? Monosodium Glutamate – is it’s long fancy name. It’s one of the first ingredients I started to remove completely from anything I would eat (including my family).   Typically you find it as a fake cheese flavor.  It is added to many foods to enhance flavor. MSG is commonly found in canned foods, soups, fast foods, and processed foods.
It can cause all sorts of issues –including obesity and headaches. Check out this quick read on msg from WebMD.  Also feel free to just do a search to see if you find it to be safe or not. My opinion is it has no place whatsoever in our diet. At all. Period.  Did you find anything with in it? Most times I’d say just THROW IT OUT, however with the prices of food being ridiculous, I lightly suggest to use it up and never buy it again.   There are other options for whatever you find MSG in – like the soups you like or those cheese puffs, there are other options.

Is your skin getting super dry this winter?  My favorite lotion is a 3 ingredient lotion bar you make yourself. Honestly, it’s pretty easy. Get a pan, shea buter – beeswax –coconut oil and melt it. Pour it in a mold and cut. Voila!! You’ll have lotion for a long time now! Honestly I’ll never buy lotion from the store again. Once you get use to using a bar (it warms up in your hands) you’ll be just fine.  I also use it as a healer on some boo boo’s, and to tame the ends of my hair! Seriously, it’s an all-around winner.

Get Your Sprouts On Ya’ll!! During the winter it’s so bla out, there’s nothing fresh to eat, it’s gray…ok you get the point, your living it to.  Having some fresh, super-duper packed nutrient sprouts really helps spruce up the food.  Plus, it’s really easy – sprouts – jar- rinse- eat! It takes a few days so I suggest staggering different sprout jars to keep them coming.

Oooh guys and Greek Yogurt– yes please! We use this as our Sour Cream in our household, as well as I throw it in smoothies. It’s probiotics in a jar! Let’s get those guts right.  Once you purchase a yogurt maker (Or you can do it easier by placing it in a warm spot) and a Yogurt Starter all you need is milk every time.  You’ll just save ¼ cup every time you make the yogurt to use as your starter the next time. So once time purchase and buy your milk every time and voila! Health on your tacos, in your smoothies, mix it with granola, throw it on your nachos. Boom!

Also on a last note:

“Homesteading is a state of mind for people who want to be producers instead of consumers and they actively look for ways to produce”- Homesteading Family

You might already be a homesteader. You don’t have to own 50 acres, have a farm, raise cattle and have a large garden. Maybe you have 5 tomato plants and 3 chickens. Maybe you only have a balcony and grow herbs. Maybe you just are looking for ways to rely less on “the man” and more on yourself. If so, welcome to homesteading my friend! I’m glad you are here.

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