Learning Old Fashioned Ways in a Modern World

A homesteading newsletter by Laura Lawrence

Redefining Perfect

+ 3 NEW Recipes Below!

Living in a world where chewy stick to your teeth white bread is perfect and homemade bread is hard, complicated and not worth it is difficult for me.

And it’s not actually real world is it?ย  That bread comes from a factory where robots do most of the work filling the dough full of preservatives and horrible ingredients, going down a processing line stuffed into a bag, shipped to the stores where it sits..and sits….and sits..and it still looks the same.

All uniform, all “perfect” looking, waiting for you to take it home because life is to easy to bake your own bread.ย  Is that really perfect though? It’s a false narrative, perfect is not uniform. It breaks, falls apart, sometimes doesn’t turn out, it’s a sticky, mes but there in lies the actual perfect. It’s has actual nutrition and it tastes so so good! It only uses a few ingredients and it can actually be good for you. It doesn’t stick to the roof of your mouth or cause your stomach issues.

I for one will not accept that perfect, in fact I will say you can take that perfect and shove it.ย  Oh boy, yes I went all nasty didn’t I?ย  I’m here for the “real” perfect, and I encourage you to embrace your real perfect as well.

In my video you’ll see my sticky attempt to make my Sourdough Hawaiian Rolls. I knew the night before I probably should’ve added in extra flour but alas I didn’t. BUT my sticky rolls turned into Sausage Sliders! That unperfect mess I made turned into a delicious “perfect” breakfast.ย  I also decided to turn it into a new recipe.ย  The original dough was Sourdough, however I also have a delicious bread maker recipe that is not sourdough. See below for ALL NEW RECIPES!

Redefine your perfect. If your bead over bakes, turns out wonky – Turn it into BREADCRUMBS!

My latest Sourdough Sandwich Bread turned more into a some kind of wooden shoe or ski loaf. However the kids ate yummy pb&j’s with it and it all worked out just fine, just looked a bit funny. Still eats the same!

Favorite Muffin & Cupcake Liners– Seriously! They are amazing, they don’t stick, they are made with unbleached parchment paper, looks pretty and you can double the amount of filling in each one!ย  I’ve been using these for awhile now with different cupcakes & muffins and in today’s NEW recipe as well. Which is Sourdough Overnight Banana Nut Muffins – DEEEEElicious!





































Your Food Loving Friend,

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Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


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