Learn How I Grow My “famous” Purple Podded Pole Beans


In the video you’ll see WHY growing pole beans are amazing and HOW I set everything up for a beautiful vertical trellis to grow these amazing purple beans.


The  more space you give a pole bean the  more it will give back to you

One bean seed can grow 8-12 feet and provide an abundance of delicious beans

You can use this technique with any pole bean

Using hog panels & rebar you can set up this beautiful trellis to use for beans, cucumbers and peas.

If you would like to Order  MY “famous” Purple Podded Pole Beans send me an email with your address and I’ll calculate the shipping cost which you can then paypal me the amount and I”ll ship them right out to you.

Email me at: [email protected] 

Learn Why YOU Should Be Planting Beans!

Learn how to pressure can beans using the raw pack method!


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[…] favorite’s are Purple Podded Pole Beans & Dragon Tongue Beans (from […]

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