In the Garden with Root Crops

Let’s “Dig” into it shall we? 

Potatoes – Onions – Garlic

Day 15

Guys, I”ll be straight with ya- these are my favorite to grow, consume and share.  Why? They provide so much for us. Nutrients, deliciousness and budget stretching meal friendly items for all the things! I’ll be sharing with you below how to have a massive potato haul + how go grow garlic and onions.  All these things are delicious and amazing and garlic is medicinal! I use it in my fire cider, garlic honey elixir and more! (This is part of my Building Your Immunity with Herb Course)

My favorite story to tell at my gardening in person classes that I teach is about the Potato- ahhh the simple potato.

In 2019 I bought a total of 10 lbs of organic seed potato from Main Potato Lady 5 lbs of strawberry paw paw & 5 lbs of russet for $44. We ended up with about 150 pounds of potatoes that year.  It cost me .27 cents  a pound for the potatoes that year!!   Ever since then I seed save from that crop in 2019 and continue planting each year, never investing again in purchasing seed potatoes or potatoes.  I’m going on my 5th year of potato planting from that original purchase and eating for free! This past year we harvested around 500 lbs of potatoes! YES you read that right, 500 lbs of potatoes!!

We have spuds coming outta our ears people!! How exciting is that though?  With some simple management you’ll be able to save your own potatoes for many years to come and enjoy french fries, perogies, cheesy potatoes & so much more whenever you want! We eat “fresh” potatoes all year long by storing them in a cold cellar type area (45-50 degrees F).

Want to learn how to seed save your potatoes? You can grab my Seed Saving Online Course Or the Ultimate Gardening Bundle that has ALL the courses you’ll need for Gardening! Learn how to grow potatoes below.

ultimate gardening bundle

seed saving from the garden
Grab My Seed Saving Guide Click Above!


Click on each image below to learn how to grow exactly like I do –  you can adjust to most if not all climates.







If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere

Day #7 Top Tools to Have on Hand

Day #8 Learn about Good pests in your garden

Day #9 Vertical Gardening

Day #10 Gardening Quick Guides

Day #11 Creating a Compost

Day #12 Introduction to Herbs Part 1

Day #13 Introduction to Herbs Part 2

Day#14 Children in the Garden


Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.

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