Crop Rotation

Benefits of Rotating Your Crops


Day #25

Today’s topic discusses the benefits of rotating your crops from year to year in your garden. I will admit I do not put a lot of thought into this nor implement it to much, sometimes with all the information out there it can be overwhelming. What to plant by what, or where, when, how, rotate, spray, pests and on and on.  I generally will change the area from year to year within the garden for most things. However I do find it difficult even though I have a very large area, something about figuring out what should go where can be daunting so I”ll just lay out my design by switching the bigger crops around.  So my advice, see if it works for you and if it doesn’t do not let this stop you or stress you out at all! Just do it!


In my back garden which receives a few hours of shade each day I plant my shade loving veggies (Grab the chart here).  My awesome Purple Podded Pole Bean Trellis will be flipped each year – the hoop itself will be unleashed on one side and flipped to the other side because Beans are amazing at fixing the soil – putting nitrogen back into the soil. Little Garden Fixers they are!  In the same garden I will plant broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower and those babies suck the nutrients right out of the soil so by flipping or moving the bean trellis each year the beans will help fix the soil! How cool is that?

Watch the video to see how I set up the trellis and talk about nitrogen fixing beans!

In my front garden I will simply switch around the big crops because I plant in 100 foot rows. So maybe on the East side the Tomatoes will grow one year then the next they’ll switch to the West side of the garden.

One large benefit of crop rotation is breaking the cycle of pests.  Typically those pesty little things hatch from the soil in the spring and if the bug that really loves broccoli doesn’t find broccoli that year they’ll die off.  This can include diseases in the soil as well.

Safe spray we use for potato beetles & more!

Do you currently do crop rotation? Head back to the facebook group and let me know! I’d love to hear your success or trials!

Grab the FREE Guide!



My Recommended Hand Held Tools:

Wilcox 13″ All-Pro

Great for getting those pesky weed roots


Weeder Wilcox 14″ All-Pro Digging

Great for digging, planting & weeding


Forged Wedge Garen Hoe

If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere

Day #7 Top Tools to Have on Hand

Day #8 Learn about Good pests in your garden

Day #9 Vertical Gardening

Day #10 Gardening Quick Guides

Day #11 Creating a Compost

Day #12 Introduction to Herbs Part 1

Day #13 Introduction to Herbs Part 2

Day#14 Children in the Garden

Day #15 Growing Root Vegetables

Day #16 Tomato Time

Day #17  All about the Dry Bean

Day #18 Saving for the Future-Seed Saving

Day #19 Preserving the Harvest- Canning

Day #20 Preserving the Harvest – Dehydrating

Day #21 Preserving the Harvest – Blanch & Freeze

Day #22 Preserving the Harvest – Fermenting

Day #23 Benefits of your Leaves

Day #24 Succession Planting


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