Let them be.. Let them be.. Let them be…

learn about the benefits of leavesBenefits to leaving your Leaves

or moving them to your garden

Leaves are absolutely amazing and very useful. No need to get mad at them and burn them or shove them in bags at all filling up our landfills that are already busting at the seems. Natural fertilizer and food!

Here are a few amazing things fallen leaves can do:

  • They are a natural mulch, protecting the roots and trees from cold winter temperatures
  • They also help fertilize the soil as they break down over the winter months
  • They are food! For the microorganisms, earthworms and fungi
  • They also serve as homes for amphibians, mammals and insects
  • Leaving them can also help with erosion by protecting the bare soil

LOVE to rake them onto a large tarp and pull that tarp to my garden and flip it over in the fall and winter and let them break down during the cold months to help protect the soil and break down to help create fertilizer.

Watch as we do it in this video at Christmas time as it was abnormally warm this past year.

If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere

Day #7 Top Tools to Have on Hand

Day #8 Learn about Good pests in your garden

Day #9 Vertical Gardening

Day #10 Gardening Quick Guides

Day #11 Creating a Compost

Day #12 Introduction to Herbs Part 1

Day #13 Introduction to Herbs Part 2

Day#14 Children in the Garden

Day #15 Growing Root Vegetables

Day #16 Tomato Time

Day #17  All about the Dry Bean

Day #18 Saving for the Future-Seed Saving

Day #19 Preserving the Harvest- Canning

Day #20 Preserving the Harvest – Dehydrating

Day #21 Preserving the Harvest – Blanch & Free

Day #22 Preserving the Harvest – Fermenting


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