

Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


Dinner – Done in less than a half hour- Lots of Noodle Recipes

Here are three fabulous noodle recipes! Best thing- done super easy, quick & delicious.

I don’t know about you guys but I LOVE noodles, especially thin noodles- like ramen noodles. NO not the one’s the college kids eat in their dorm room at 2am, I mean actual real noodles that taste great. They are gluten free and organic. I generally get mine from Costco or Azure Standard.

These recipes are all done quick, I mean QUICK, Fast people! It’s all from scratch to, homemade delicious dinner just waiting for you.  Not all my homemade meals take hours of me slaving away in the kitchen ya know.

They are generally meat free, however I’ve been known to throw in some shredded chicken that I cooked previously in the crockpot or roasted from the oven.


Go on and enjoy some delicious noodles for dinner! 

cheese noodles one pot easy dinner broccoli

easy homemade diy pasta carbonara pasta dinner




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