The hardest part for me is the “starting” point – that jumping off point. Like, where do I even start? How do I say all I want to say? Where to I begin? Do I do this or that first?
I’m not a wordsmith at all, I jumble my words and get lost in my thoughts easily. For each project, video, blog post or speech I start to feel lost…..
I kind of figure this is the same thing when your starting anything new. This Revival will be a jumping off point for some of you as well. I’m hoping to offer encouragement and guidance as we talk about our food choices, kitchen habits and making food a priority again.
It may be easier for some than others, it may be hard to look in the mirror (or that shiny fridge) and face that maybe there are some changes that need to be done not only for the better of your own health but your family and those around you.
This month will be all about FOOD and our choices we make with food. We all will be making some uncomfortable changes, but these changes are for the better. We’ll be changing the way we look and feel about our KITCHEN’S, to make that area a priority.
Where does one even start?
Food. Food is where we start. We need to not hide away from our food choices, our food is our fuel. That fuel tells our bodies how to feel, act, think and what to do. Food needs to be a top priority. Not diets or fads. But REAL organic food that God intended for us.
Over this next month I’ll be sharing with you exactly how to choose the GOOD with step by steps that will send you off on our own trajectory!
It’s all about learning to toss out the so called rules that you have learned! I’m giving you permission to break the societal norms and their rules.
One thing I teach in all my classes is to JUST DO IT. Jump. Here’s YOUR starting point. DO IT!
If your waiting for the perfect time where everything lines up the clouds part the sun shines down as your sign, you’ll be waiting for to long.
Keep following along…. it’s gonna get good
You Choose
Your choice makes an impact bigger than you see. There’s a ripple effect that last’s forever.
Let’s meet in the kitchen shall we. In the video I’ll be talking and hoping to inspire you to open your cupboards and take a hard long look at what you have in them. So go ahead and head into the kitchen and start by looking at items that contain the items I highly recommend to remove below.
I’ll also dive deeper into why I suggest removing such things if you would like to learn more, just click on the topic below to read how terrible these things really are. Send me your photos or post in the Facebook Group – Creating a Rival. You do not need to throw these items away unless you’d really like to. But I would like for them to be on your counter to annoy you to use them up and then replace with better items.
Future videos will be discussing what I suggest to be brought into the home to replace the items we are removing. There are many items that are very hot topics right now that should essentially be removed, however I’ll just share with you a few now because frankly it can become VERY overwhelming. Let’s focus on these things and the rest will fall into place.
I will also be showing you what I found in my cupboards!
I’ll discuss MSG quickly here but you can dive deeper into my Why I suggest Removing MSG article by clicking HERE.
MSG has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.” NIH. The reason why companies use MSG in their products is to “enhance” the flavor. Looking into this topic further basically they use it to reduce the amount of REAL food and spices in their products!
We do not need to add any unnecessary junk to our bodies.
When you do this, your body is busy fighting or processing the junk and cannot function properly. It’s too busy to create good gut bacteria. It’s too busy to work on your immune system. It’s too busy to feel alive. Don’t make it busy on nonsense like MSG.
What is HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup? High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is an artificial sugar made from corn syrup (or corn starch).
According to Healthline “high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is about 55% fructose, a type of sugar. It takes your body more steps to
breakdown fructose compared to glucose. High amounts of this sugar can lead to serious health issues.” Having HFCS in your diet leads to obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Wanna learn more, click HERE.
So I found some old things and some things I prefer not to have in my cupboard but sometimes they slip in when I’m feeling weak. It happens.
I can’t control everything but I can control what I do when I find this stuff. Some I just got rid of and some I will use up and either never buy again or find healthy organic replacements.
What have you found?? Share with me!
It’s important to Be Ready at All Times In the Kitchen
Remember we’re taking small steps to create leaps & bounds for the future!
Learning how to purchase bulk whole organic spices adds a whole new level to your from scratch at home cooking & baking. Having great ingredients on hand helps those dishes you are creating come to life. Plus, spices are also herbs and add a layer of nutrients & medicine just by spicing things up! Listen to the video as I explain the importance of buying ORGANIC spices and learning to create mixes at home.
In my all new spice book you’ll learn where to source great organic spices from, create your own mixes and sauce along with my equipment recommendations. Bonus learn dehydrating & grinding spices as well.
Click HERE to download for FREE