Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Cabbage & Dill Breakfast Casserole


Cabbage & Dill Breakfast Casserole
Printable Recipe HERE


This delicious casserole uses the abundance of cabbage coming in with a flare with the dill! Plus it’s topped with cheese! It freezes really good as well. It’s one of my favorites, no one else in the family cares for it because of the Dill perhaps, so I'll make one up and portion if up and freeze for later uses so I’ll have a tasty breakfast all to myself. 

I don’t always get my dill to grow each year but I have learned when it does you can easily rinse, pat dry and place into containers in your freezer and it lasts years.

Let’s get Making!!


4 Eggs*
¼ Cup Sour Cream* <--Make Your Own!
½ Cup Mayonnaise
½ Cup Flour <-- You could use my Gluten Free Mix
½ Tsp Baking Powder
1 Lb cabbage finely chopped* (about 6 cups)
½ Tsp Salt (I love using Redmond's Real Salt)
2 Tbsp Dill fresh or frozen*
2 Tbsp Onion*
1 ½ Cups Shredded Cheese* <--Make Your Own!


*denotes a Homesteading Item

1. Preheat oven to 375 Degrees F and place butter or Lard into a 9” round dish into the oven to slightly melt.
2. In a bowl mix together the eggs, sour cream and mayo.
3. In another bowl mix together the flour and baking powder. Mix into the previous mixture.
4. Place the finely chopped cabbage and salt into another bowl and scrunch to help soften the cabbage.
5. Spread the cabbage evenly in your 9” round dish and pour the batter evenly over the top. Sprinkle with the cheese and bake at 375F for 35 minutes or top is golden brown. 

Other Wonderful Breakfast Recipes click HERE

Printable Recipe HERE

Original recipe from Natasha's Kitchen

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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