Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


  Gluten Free Blend


I was really happy when I found this gluten free flours blend in a book by Shauna James Ahern- Gluten Free Girl Every day. My favorite recipe is the Carnita's, the family and I eat them up! Which has nothing to do with the flour blend...but they are delicious. Back to the flour, this blend I have found to work well with many recipes I have tried. I am however no means a GF expert, I'll be honest there! We are not GF, I just tend to do a lot of GF items as well as Sourdough.

Use this Gluten Free mix to make these
Banana Mini Muffins!

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400 grams Millet Flour
300 grams Sweet Rice Flour (I use brown rice flour)
300 grames potato starch

*Use Organic whenever possible



Measure out using a kitchen scale all ingredients separantely and mix together using a whisk and pour into your container of choice with a tight lid.

Whenever I see a recipe for a gluten free flour I use this blend.

Measure out using a kitchen scale all ingredients separantely and mix together using a whisk and pour into your container of choice with a tight lid.

Whenever I see a recipe for a gluten free flour I use this blend.

Recipe from Shauna James Ahern Book- Gluten Free Girl Every Day
Also at this website:

Recommended Kitchen Scale


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