• How to Become a Food Prood

    September 28th 2023 Let’s Get To It! How to Become a Food Prood Topic #3 – Real Foods for Real Health So your on a path to remove the bad stuff like the previous topics we’ve covered MSG & HFCS yay for you! Maybe even those pesky food dyes that I’ve read a lot on…

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  • Can We EVER Just Sit Down?!?!

    November 7th, 2023 Can We EVER Just Sit Down!?!? (spotted in November brings me a smile!) The answer is….no. No we cannot.  And yes sometimes it gets to be too much. Tonight while finishing up cleaning dinner there’s curds to be pressed into the cheese press, there’s dry beans needing to be shelled, the Berkey needs to…

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  • It’s Been a Year

    November 12th, 2023 It’s been a year! It’s been a year since I registered this domain name and I told myself (and some friends) I’ll give it a year, if I see some traction and interest in what I have to offer I will keep it up. Are you wondering if I”m keepin’ on keepin’…

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  • Being Thankful a Kitchen Revival

    November 19th, 2023 Being Thankful a Kitchen Revival (Go On and Eat Like a PIG!) Happy Thanksgiving Friends! Thanksgiving might be a favorite for me, because it gives pause to be thankful for the abundance of Food.  Good food to be specific. All the prep time, flour dusting every counter, the smells, the family and…

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  • Who else has those times where sitting down is not an option?

    Can We EVER Just Sit Down!?!? (spotted in November brings me a smile!) The answer is….no. No we cannot.  And yes sometimes it gets to be too much. Tonight while finishing up cleaning dinner there’s curds to be pressed into the cheese press, there’s dry beans needing to be shelled, the Berkey needs to be filled up,…

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Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 
