Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in
Northern Michigan fighting for Freedom in Food!


Homemade Sourdough Pasta

Your gonna love these really easy Homemade Sourdough Pasta Noodles! Once you get the hang out of making your own noodles you won’t wanna go back to store bought. Plus they are Sourdough! So that means if fermented overnight they are really healthy for you. Can you imagine eating noodles and pasta and feeling ok about it? Well I believe you can, turning our flour products into Sourdough creates an amazing product by fermenting and making it much easier for you to digest. Please only use Organic Flour or Organic Wheat Berries to help with the nutrition. The regular flour or bleached flour has lost all of it’s nutrients so what’s the point?


 Bring Back the Kitchen! Kitchen Revival Starts In YOUR Kitchen!

2 Eggs*
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 Cup Sourdough Starter (active or slightly under)
2 Cups Flour

*denotes a Homesteading Item

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Dough Prep:

1. In your mixer (or by hand) add in all the ingredients until well mixed.  If using a mixer let run on low-med for 4-6 minutes.  You’ll want a sort of stiff dough and it should end up smooth looking.

2. Cover and let sit on the counter overnight to ferment. If you are not comfortable with your eggs being out then place in the fridge and remove 2 hours prior to wanting to make your noodles.

Creating Pasta:

Notes: Feel free to sprinkle liberally in between pressings if your noodles are sticking at all.


1. Lightly flour a work surface or large cookie sheet to place your pressed and cut pieces on.

2. Take your fermented dough and using a dough cutter cut into four sections. 

3. Working with one section at a time flatten with your hands.

4. The next part will depend on what your using to create the noodles. I use the Marcato Pasta Machine




4. If using Marcata Pasta Machine you will start by pressing with the Flattening section. Turn the  knob to 1 and press through the FLATTENING and turn the knob to 3 and run through again, cut in half to make it more manageable.

5. Turn the knob to 4 and run it through again and then the last time at option 5. Doing this with both halves.

6. Sprinkle each half with flour and run through the noodle cutting part on your pasta roller. We have found it is easier to work with with the wider noodles, but give both a try and see what works for you.

7. Place cut noodles on the prepared work surface or cookie sheet that was sprinkled liberally with flour.









8. Continue with the remaining sections until all are done and cut.

9.  Bring a large pot of water to a boil (you could also start this while cutting the noodles so it's ready)


10. Working in small batch (about ¼ of the total noodles at a time) place your raw noodles in the boiling water for 3 minutes. Using a NOODLE SPOON remove the noodles into a colander to drain while cooking the remaining noodles.









11. Finish by combining with your favorite pasta sauce such as my delicious.

15 minutes homemade pasta sauce. & My Sourdough BreadStick Recipe!

and maybe some Veggies from the Freezer.

12. Serve, eat, devour and love every bite!

Recipe adapted by ButterForAll

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Health Benefits

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Recommend Flour from Azure Standard & Wheat Berries

Watch ALL my Sourdough Videos in Order Here:

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