Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

"Learning Old Fashioned Skills in a Modern Way"

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It’s Time!


Kitchen Revival Is Upon Us!

Grab Your Spatula and Pot and let’s make some noise. It’s time we take back Freedom in Food, it’s time we take back the kitchen, it’s time we take it back from companies that only care about the bottom line. It’s time we take back Our Health!  I’m not going to sugar coat this anymore. Learn WHY a Kitchen Revival Is Needed!


Laura's Top Kitchen Items for the Kitchen Revival

These are not in any particular order they just
happen to be some of my favorites.

I use the ThermPro for cheese making, roasting chicken, and the smoker.
The USA made pans are amazing and safe!

I love mason jars and these lids are perfect for both wide & regular.
The colandar is a fine mesh so it can strain rice, herbs, cheese and angel hair pasta.



This crock pot is a large one- 10 qt and it's awesome to cook large chickens or make lots of soups.
These bowls are amazing and I use them often, espcially for Sourdough to ferment overnight.


This grinder is great for grinding spices! You can save if you buy in bulk (from Azure Standard )
Now this Immersion Blender is an all time favorite, I use it a lot for soups, soap making, etc.

These knives are amazing!! They stay sharp and do a wonderful job for all things.
This dehydrator is a favorite, I use it alot for drying herbs and making apple rings.



I'm not sure what I would do without both of these items!



Oh gosh the love of my cast iron pans is intense!





It’s Time To Become Part of the Solution!!

Sign up NOW Join the Revival!


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Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.

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