Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Easy 15 Minute Homemade Tomato Soup

This soup is yummy, kid approved and easy! Plus it pairs great with of course the best side kick- Grilled Cheese! Video below as well. You can use all fresh ingredients, or veggies from the garden that you've preserved, or items from the store.

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½ Cup Onion chopped
2 Garlic Cloves grated
Lard (olive oil/butter)
1 Small handful celery leaves or celery chopped
1 32 oz Jar/Can of Tomato Sauce
1 Tsp Basil


  1. Saute Onions & Garlic in Lard (or butter/olive oil)
  2. Add celery and Can of Tomato Sauce
  3. Bring to a boil & simmer
  4. Using immersion blender, blend until creamy.
  5. Add spices and enjoy!

Laura’s Tips: You can freeze celery leaves from the garden for this recipe or chop up 1 rib.  You can also add in milk if you’d like it less tomatoey. 
(That’s a word right?!?)


Pair this soup with Grilled Cheese on Sourdough Bread - Bonus: Learn How to Make Your Own Cheese!

My immersion blender that I love and use constanty with soups & sauces is from amazon and it is my affiliate link.   Click HERE.

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