herbal resources, create apothecary freebies herb

The Herbs are Rollin in’! Grab my Freebies + Resources

herbal resources, create apothecary freebies herb

The Herbs are Here, the  Herbs are Here!! Yay summertime those healing herbs are here and I’m here for it. Boy I just used the word “here” a lot didn’t I? Well I am that excited because it’s time to restock the Apothecary!

I’ve gone through and my Apothecary cabinet to see what needs to be refreshed, refilled, created & harvested. For most things I am good on so I’m thankful for that, but a few things need to be done.  For dried herbs its’ best to get new one’s yearly as they potency tends to wear off, I believe I can go a bit longer because I do not crush my herbs – I leave them in whole pieces.  And some of them I didn’t use at all last year so I’m going to take a chance and leave those be until I need them.

Now my favorite herbs I like to make sure I’m fully stocked to get us through winter and all the germs and sickness that seems to come. Here’s my favs:

  • Lemon Balm
  • Lavender
  • Tulsi (holy basil)
  • Mint
  • Nettles (stinging)
  • Echinacea
  • Calendula

Here’s my to do list:

I have a bunch of Herbal Videos that you gotta check out below.  If your interested in learning more about herbs you can check out my Introduction to Herbs + Creating Your Own Apothecary by clicking HERE (Use coupon code “HerbResources” for HALF OFF!!)


introduction to herbs apothecary

herbal resources, create apothecary freebies herb


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Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


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