Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?

Have you ever thought about all the products that goes on our skin and how our largest organ absorbs those ingredients?ย  Ya know the lotions, sun screen, makeup, ointments, rubs, and the list goes on and on.ย  You might be slathering your skin (largest organ that absorbs everything) with chemicals and basically poison.ย  We often times forget that the thing you look at every day, your skin, places a crucial part in our whole system.ย  It’s the superhero that we often don’t give it a cape.

It’s Time for a Change

According to Healthline:

The skin is a superhero organ for its ability to:

  • provideย immunity
  • cover and protect internal body parts and functions
  • release sweat
  • synthesizeย vitamin D
  • makeย melanin
  • allow us to differentiate between textures, temperatures, and more via touch

Let’s change out some of those items to better items with better ingredients.ย  Keep reading to find out how I take care of my superhero skin below.ย 

Side note: I’ll tell ya something personal that will just tick off some people- I don’t use sun screen. I actually think most sun screen is awful.ย  I believe that burning is something to be avoided, but not the sun. The sun is so healing, you can just feel it uplift your mood once it hits your face & eyes. The sunshine is loaded with Vitamin D, healing and nourishing Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium so you can have stronger bones so you can garden more and raise those animals.ย  I will disclose that we will use it briefly when we travel from Michigan to Florida in March as we have on occasion. Florida is much closer to the sun than Michigan especially during March. So in order to avoid burning while we are on the beach I will buy safe sunscreen. Sunscreen is rated yearly from EWG.org and I will do my research and use it sparingly to avoid burning.


So what are your options? I have a few to share with you today. Don’t forget to print them out.

diy homemade soothing healing lotion bars

Lotion Bars– these are healing and nourishing and just very lovely. I sell these to family & friends and they all love them. So do we!

Homemade Soap – I make my soap with Lard because we are loaded with it. If you do not have access to lard you can easily find other great soap recipes out there. If you do though the lard soap is very lovely. It lathers up nice, nourishing and does not dry your skin out.

diy homemade laundry soap

Laundry Soap – My recipe was in the downloadable ebook from Day #3 in my Living Cleaner in the Homeย 

For Makeup: I’ve recently purchased and use Toups & Co – they use organic and natural ingredients. So when I wear makeup I”ll be wearing mostly this stuff.ย  Don’t forget to use Coupon Code “FOODPROOD” to save!

Handcrafted Piggy Soap -Made right here on the homestead from lard raised on our organically fed, pasture raised pigs. It’s a beautiful soap with clean ingredients!



Take it Up a Notch:ย  ย Download my ebook and learn how to create Healing Salves, Infuse Oil, Lotion bars, & Soaps.ย ย 

create your own herbal healing salves


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Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


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