Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Spaghetti Sauce

You need this go to Sauce Recipe for either Lasagna or Spaghetti! It's incredibly delicious and easy. You can let this sit longer if you have the time to get the flavors to come together.


1 Large Onion Chopped*
2 Garlic Cloves grated*
Lard (olive oil/butter)*
1 Tsp Red Pepper Flakes
1 Can Tomato Paste 6oz
2 Jars/Cans of Tomato *
1 Tsp each of Basil and Oregano *
1 Jar Tomato Juice (Optional)*
Green Pepper (Optional)*

*denotes a Homesteading Item


1. Saute onions & garlic (green pepper if using) in Lard (or butter/olive oil)
2. Add 1 Tsp red pepper flakes until fragrant
3. Spoon in the tomato paste and stir for one minute
4. Pour in the tomato sauce & tomato juice
5. Bring to a boil & simmer
6. Using immersion blender, blend until creamy.
7. Add S&P and enjoy!

Laura’s Tips: You can simmer this sauce for as little or as long as you would like. I prefer longer as it intensives and melts the wonderful flavors together. While the sauce is simmering you can brown your meat and cook your noodles.  I use ground pork and gluten free noodles. Everything is welcome here though!

My immersion blender that I love and use constantly with soups & sauce is from amazon which you can get through my link HERE.


Printable Recipe HERE

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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