Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


JD’s Meat Rub




Printable Recipe HERE

JD’s Meat Rub

This meat rub is so versatile it’s crazy! Have porkchops? Use this! Want to smoke a whole chicken? Use this!! If you need to add some heat aka spice add some chipotle powder or red pepper flakes.


Brown Sugar! Brown Sugar!

This typically does enough for 4-6 porkchops or one whole chicken 4-5lbs.  If your meat is thawed it works the best- so thaw it overnight in your fridge. Rub this on your meat and let it sit for about an hour. The spices will melt  into the meat for a delicious flavor after you smoke/cook/fry/bake it!


Use the quantity below for a pack of 6 porkchops or one whole chicken

¼ Cup Brown Sugar (or 1/2 cup if your feelin frisky)
1 Tablespoon Smoked Paprika
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

Combine the spice ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Apply by rubbing onto thawed meat. Allow to sit for one hour for the flavors to melt into each other and the meat.   Smoke/Cook/Bake/Fry it as you typically would. 

We use this rub on our whole organic chickens and use our pellet trager smoker

Another great way to use this is on Porkchops! Follow the above directions and busting our your cast iron you can apply the porkchops directly to a heated skillet and cook until done, flipping once.


I like to purchase my spices in bulk- if you can find a local person selling Frontier WholeSale then I highly suggest that. If not, I purchase a lot of my spices and gluten free items from   

Printable Recipe HERE

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