Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Greek Yogurt - Sour Cream


Now this my friends is a game changer- Once you buy the Greek Yogurt Starter you can make your own at home over and over again. The Trick? Save 1/4 cup each time you make the yogurt, put it in your freezer and use that as your starter the next time! This makes a delicious greek yogurt that we also use as our sour cream. It's also great in smoothies or mix it with granola. All your favorite ways! PLUS PROBIOTICS!!

It's healthy and full of probiotics!


First thing you'll want to do is grab your Greek Yogurt Starter and follow the directions that it states to get it started. From this first batch you will save 1/4 cup each time and place in your freezer. This will be your starter you will use each time you make a batch.
I personally use Raw Organic Milk- however you can use most any milk but it can not be Ultra High Pasturized.

Once you have your Starter all ready to go this will be your directions how to make Yogurt each time!


6 Cups Raw Organic Milk
1/4 Cup Yogurt Starter (from your freezer)

1. Slowly heat up the milk to 185 Degrees F- Stir frequently as it gets to the higher temp. If a layer of milk forms on top (the skin) you can just stir that back in.

2. Maintain that temperature for 10-15 minutes.

3. Cool down the milk on it's own accord until it reaches 115 degrees F.

4. Stir in the 1/4 cup yogurt starter and place into yogurt containers. I use a yogurt maker from Mercola. You can use an instant pot as well. Just follow the manufacturers directions. You could also store in a warm place, perhaps wrap it with towels and place the container(s) in a cooler (no ice). The ideal temperature is 110 degrees F for 5-8 hours.


After it has set, cover and place in the fridge. Make sure to save that 1/4 cup out and place it in the freezer for your next batch.

We use this for our sour cream, it's healthy & delicious!


Yogurt Maker by Mercola

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

Printable Recipe HERE

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