Gardening Requires Patience

And I will admit it’s running thin this year.ย  The weather has been up, down and all around like a Dr. Seuss book. Nothing is making sense and it certainly is not following what typically happens, which is pushingย  my buttons and requiring my inability to be patient to be pushed.

Do you ever have those times in life?ย ย 

One of the things I teach is patience in the Garden

  • Patience with seeds to sprout
  • Patience with changing tactics on planting
  • Patience with trimming to see how the plant will respond
  • Patience with growing
  • Patience with the weather
  • Patience and Patience…

But I will totally admit that my patience is running thin or maybe my anxiety of the weeds over taking my gardens is growing by the day.ย  The garden is planted, it turns incredibly hot, now it’s crazy raining for days. In fact there’s flood watches where we live and I don’t think that’s typical. I will admit though how grateful we are for living on a hill. I’m afraid for the crops that are sitting in water in other areas.

If this is your area I suggest when it stops raining to get out there and hoe (work up the ground) by each plant so oxygen can flow around, dry things out, work up the weeds and overall just help those plants out.

It’s making me feel like we are in January and I”m dreaming of my Garden looking at my seed books…..

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In the mean time I will catch up on things likeย 

  • Editing photos
  • Updating my website
  • Take a nap?
  • Picking out recipes
  • Amuse the kiddos
  • Being thankful that I can garden
  • Praying for everyone’s crops

What will you do?



I literally dreamed of my enchilada’s the other night so that’s on the menu soon! These are made with our ground pork but of course you could use anything or nothing + my homemade sauce!

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Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


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