Growing Garlic in a Northern Climate (Or any climate)

Save Money each year by purchasing “Garlic Seed”only one time and saving some of those bulbs and replant in the fall and continue to do this every year without ever purchasing or spending money again on garlic!

Videos on HOW to start, grow, cure,  store & save for next year all below. 

Click HERE to my Garlic YouTube Playlist.

Garlic is Amazing!



Printable HERE


Purchase online or find a local place for “seed garlic”. Garlic “Seed” is the largest of the bulbs to help continue growing larger bulbs each year. This is where I bought my garlic from (along with strawberries & onion) I recommend them!

Here are the two varieties I bought: MUSIC HARDNECK GARLIC (Porcelain) and SVEA HARDNECK GARLIC (Marbled Purple Stripe)

Buy one time and grow garlic for years!

Watch all my Garlic Videos Below and on YouTube!

    After you grow your first crop of Garlic you will then save the largest bulbs to plant in the fall for the next year’s crop. Continue each year doing the same way.

How to plant:

  • Choose a location that receives mostly sun

    • In the month of October till up the dirt and add any fertilizers (I use chicken poop)
    • Take the garlic and split the bulbs, leaving the paper on
    • I suggest not planting cloves from the grocery store. Most are treated for longer shelf life and can contain disease as well.
    • Place cloves 3 to 6 inches apart and 1.5 inches deep, in their upright position. Root side down, pointed side up.
    • Rows spaced 5 to 10 inches apart. 2-6 rows in group, then space row groups 18-24 inches so you have room to walk down and weed.
    • Cover with a few inches of leaves and water down to hold in place. If you have any extra screen or netting place that on top with rocks to hold down the leaves.
    • Remove netting once snow has melted and you start seeing them pop up. Leave the leaves, they will push their way up easily.
    • Watch them grow in the spring!
    • Harvest/Cut garlic scapes if you planted hardnecks
    • Harvest in July when the leaves start dying back (hardencks will have about 3 of the leaves that are yellowing)
    • Dig carefully and leave the dirt on as well as the roots. (I use a potato digger)
    •  Allow to dry in a shaded area with plenty of air flow until the papery outside happens, usually 6 weeks. They like humidity and heat.
    • Cut a few inches above the bulb’s (do not remove roots) and store in a dark and cool area.
    • Save your biggest bulbs to plant for next year’s crop!

    NOTE:  Hard necks will have “Scapes” that shoot up in the middle of the garlic stalk – they look like curly Q’s. They usually show up about a month before they are ready and they NEED to be cut in order to send the energy back down to the bulbs. There’s a HUGE difference if you forget to trim those scapes.  After you harvest and cure you’ll then cut the remaining stalks and store in a cool, dry and dark place.

    Forgot to cut the scape off the smaller one, you can tell the big difference!

    Softnecks you will not cut the stalks, this will allow you to “braid” the garlic for storage by hanging them.

    How to use the Scapes:  You can use them like an onion or garlic by sauteing them, cooking with them etc. I will cut them up and place them into a container in the freezer for later use. OR make these delicious Fried Garlic Scapes that are kinda like onion rings!!


Printable  HERE

Planting the Garlic
Covering the Garlic

Harvest The Garlic!

Curing the Garlic!

Garlic Scapes- When & How


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