Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #3

how to start seeds indoors plus my favorite seed choices

Let’s Review My Favorite Seeds

How to Start Your Own Seeds at Home


Yesterday we went over the importance of a good seed– let’s take a look at my favorite seeds and why.  Head back to the Facebook post and comment what your favorite seeds are to plant or did you pick one of my favorites to try this year?

Where I purchase Seeds From:

Baker Creek – www.rareseeds.com

Siskiyou Seeds – www.siskiyouseeds.com

MiGardener – https://migardener.com/

High Mowing Company – https://www.highmowingseeds.com/


Here’s a list of my favorite seeds and why!

  • Broccoli – Waltham 29
  • Beets – Chioggia
  • Brussel Sprouts – Long Island Improved
  • Beans – Purple Podded Pole Beans (Click HERE to order my Famous Purple Podded Pole Beans!)
  • Cabbage – Brunswick, Golden Acres & Violaceo di Verona
  • Carrots – Nantes, Little Finger & Danvers
  • Cauliflower – Snowball
  • Snacking Cucumber – Muncher & Marketmore 76
  • Pickling Cucumber – Boston Pickling
  • Corn – Who Gets Kissed Sweet Corn
  • Eggplant – Diamond
  • Celery – D’elne & Chinese Pink
  • Lettuce – Landis Winter, Henderson’s Black, Gustav’s Salad, Tennis Ball, Forellenschluss
  • Radish – Early Scarlet Globe
  • Peas – Mammoth Melting, Telephone & Sugar Ann
  • Butternut Squash – Honeybutter Nut
  • Tomato – Martino’s Roma (Small), Bonny Best, Amish Paste, Tappy’s Heritage (Perfect size), Principe Borghese (cherry)

Let’s Learn How to Start Seeds Indoors

One of the most confusing things I see people get hung up on is what seeds need to be started indoors versus buying the seeds.  There are many seeds that can be direct sown – in a future post I will show you a quick document to get started. It will help you save money instead of purchasing seedling plants that cost more than a whole pack of seeds.


Seeds Are Amazing

They start out as this teeny tiny thing; everything to grow is right inside of them. Give them the proper conditions – Light- Nutrition- Warmth and they are on their way to grow into a plant that will produce fruit, which then produces seeds, which self-plants in the ground and when those proper conditions come back –Light – Nutrition – Warmth it starts all over again. It is simply amazing and awe inspiring. Give the proper conditions we act as that seed as well.

Some seeds are best to be “Direct Sown” – which means to directly place into the ground when the conditions are right. Some seeds need to be preplanted in order to give them enough time in our very short growing period.


Direct Sown Seeds

First let’s discuss the “Direct Sown” seeds- these seeds will at this point be tabled until a later date.  It is very important to focus your energy, resources, supplies and space on seeds that need to be started prior to the gardening season.

Direct Sown Seeds Examples: (months are for a northern climate)

May:  (late) Beets, Lettuce, Peas, Kale, Spinach, Carrots, Potatoes

June:  Corn, Onions, Cucumber, Squashes, Zucchini, Pumpkins, Radishes, Brussel Sprouts, Beans

Seed Starts examples:

Tomatoes, Peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, some herbs

To Start Seeds Indoors You have TWO Options

  1. My FREE Seed Starting Guide 
  2. My Seed Starting Workbook + Videos for this month the price is HALF OFF!

Or Grab My Ultimate Garden Bundle

ultimate gardening bundle


If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1    

Day #2

Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.

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