Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #9

Vertical Gardening


Vertical Gardening is amazing and such a great way to conserve space. Plus keep in mind some things like “Pole” beans need the space to grow vertically so you can maximize each seed production.

Hog Panels & rebar

These hog panels are bent over in a dome shape and held in place by 3 foot rebar sections that are placed into the ground. Two on the outside and 1 on the inside. The space in between the dome is approx. 5 feet. Plant beans on each side of the hog panels (inside & out) You could also use cattle panels, however the spacing in between in much larger, I prefer the hog panels.  Great for Pole Beans and Cucumbers

Watch the above video to show you exactly how I set up our bean trellis which you could use for any climbing type plants such as pole beans, cucumbers, and such.


TIP:  use what you have on hand in order to maximize space in the garden.

Pallets + Poles or Rebar

Pallets are a great frugal way to create vertical spacing especially for items that do not need 8 feet to grow such as the pole beans. Great for Peas & Cucumbers.

We grab the poles and rebar from Home Depot and cut them into half or thirds depending on what you need. You may even ask them to cut them for you.

Pallets you can usually find around towns for free or you can stop and ask companies who have some in the back and see if they are giving them away.

Hog panels we purchase from tractor supply, family farm & home or the like.  I absolutely LOVE the size of hog panels compared to cattle panels and I use them for my tomatoes, cucumbers and pole beans.


ultimate gardening bundle

Ultimate Garden Bundle (If your interested in the bundle click HERE and use coupon code “kitchenrevival” for $50 off!

If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere

Day #7 Top Tools to Have on Hand

Day #8 Learn about Good pests in your garden



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