Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #7

tools for the garden to have on hand


My Top Gardening Resources – Tools to Have on Hand


This is a really important area to focus resources on by having the proper tools on hand. There is an overwhelming amount of “things” people seem to recommend. Here are my recommendations and they are kept to a minimum because you do not need a lot of different items to successfully garden. Everything I’m recommending is what I use for my organic garden.  I highly suggest getting these items on hand PRIOR to the gardening season. I can’t stress this enough, sometimes it’s to late to order something or pick it up at the store. Some items you’ll be able to find at your big box stores.  I have most items linked to Amazon if that is easier for you as well.  They are my affiliate links, the prices stay the same for you I earn a smidge off the purchase which helps me keep my website up & running. Thank you!

working in the garden is rewarding both mentally and physically


Tools – Pests Management – Fertilizer Options


My Recommended Hand Held Tools:

Wilcox 13″ All-Pro

Great for getting those pesky weed roots


Weeder Wilcox 14″ All-Pro Digging

Great for digging, planting & weeding


Forged Wedge Garen Hoe






  • Shovel
  • Potato Digger
  • Cultivator (3 prong hoe)


I suggest not wearing gloves, working with the soil is incredibly healing and

it helps you feel and learn the soil texture while working in it.


Favorite way to clean veggies: a fish cleaning table that you hook up to your hose near your garden so when you wash your veggies the dirt and nutrients go right back into the garden. This is genius is it not? All those root crops that you’ll dig up with all the glorious dirt really should be put back into your garden and not your septic system.  At Christmas & Black Friday time I have been able to get these from Bass Pro shops for around $50 on black Friday if they don’t run out. 


Fertilizer Options

  • Manure
  • Weed Tea
  • Fish Fertilizer
  • Fox Farm
  • Garden Tone


Chicken poop : aka liquid gold. If you have access from your own chickens or a neighbor this is a great fertilizer to add. Please note this should only be added to your garden during the winter. It needs to break down as it is to “hot” and will burn your plants if directly applied.

Pig poop: can be added directly but use caution in the amount

Cow & Horse Manure: I do  not personally use as I do not have access however you can directly apply in your garden

Weed Tea: Learn a DIY fertilizer that’s very easy and free







Other Options:

Alaska Fish Fertilizer










Fox Farm










Garden-tone Organic Fertilizer










Pest Management


  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Nasturtiums
  • Monterey Spray
  • Neem Oil


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Food Grade Only – works great for all kinds of pests & safe – only apply when it’s dry out (no rain or watering in the forecast) Click HERE to read HOW and WHY to use DE








Planting Nasturtiums in the garden as “trap” plants, click HERE to learn more. 







Monterey Spray with Spinosad -is an important one that we use to control potato bugs, worms on any tree, and even slugs eating the brassica’s. It must contain “Spinosad” . 










-Neem Oil-useful against fungi, mildews, and rusts. Read more HERE











If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere



Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.