Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #10

Gardening Quick Start Guides

Get ready to print off some of my quick start guides for gardening.  Add them to your binder and head back to the facebook post and let me know what one’s you printed off (earn points, someone’s gonna win big soon)  These guides should be able to help you while planting in the garden or getting ready to. Some exciting things are on the horizon with your garden!


  • Harvest Tracker
  • Preservation Tracker
  • Direct Sow/Seedlings – Includes recommended plants for shade vs sun
  • When to Plant Guide (northern climates)
  • Plant Spacing Guide
  • Garden Wrap Up

Preservation & Harvest Trackers

Click on an image to download the trackers!

Even if you are just starting out, trust me you’ll want to keep track of what you get. It can be quite exciting to start comparing many years later, and yes there will be many years you’ll be doing this. It’s addictive.

Plus, seriously it’s totally rewarding growing your own food and then looking back to see what you started with is great! If you’ve been doing this for a long time but forgot to document it or need an updated way to keep track of. This is what I use!

Harvesting & Preserving -use these printable forms!
For the Preservation Tracker you’ll have space to fill in the date – item – quantity- size- method. If a certain item doesn’t need all filled in, skip it.

For the Harvest Tracker it’s a great way to keep track each year when you start pulling stuff to eat from the garden. Every year I say to myself “Shouldn’t I already be getting (Fill in the blank)” This way I can look back and see if something is way off or it’s getting close to the time.

Planting Guides

Click on an image to download the guides!



Print the planting guide for Full Sun VS Shade guide to help you determine what seeds you should be direct sowing (placing directly in the warmed up soil) versus what you should buy or purchase as plants.

One thing I see often is people starting from seed indoors or purchasing from a greenhouse are seeds that should be sown directly into the soil when it reaches warmer temperatures. Let me explain the reasons.

First its’ economically frugal to purchase 1 pack of seeds which generally has 50 seeds per pack (depending variety and seller) versus buying a 4 pack of seedlings at the greenhouse. There is a huge savings in just that!

Also if you decide to start your own seeds indoors you need space, lots of space to house all the 4” pots (my recommendation once they reach a certain size). Imagine planting that one pack of Bean seeds in your house, that’ll be 50 Bean plants in 4” pots on your table instead of just direct sowing the seeds.

Frankly, there’s just no point to waste resources, money, time and space when they grow with plenty of time directly in the soil.

I’m in zone 4B, our average growing time is 107 days, beans for example only take 60 days for you to harvest (depending on variety/location). You’ll have plenty of time for the direct sown seeds!

Also let’s note the Sun VS Shade – after reviewing how the sun falls on your property or space you can determine where you could or should be planting these vegetables. It’s a good idea to take note of how many hours the sun falls in a certain spot. Full sun is typically 8 + hours, while partial shade refers to about 6 hours of sun in that area.

Hope this helps you when planning and budgeting your going to be awesome Garden! Aka the Gardenio!




If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1 The Love of Gardening

Day #2 Top Gardening Tips to Start Today

Day #3 Seeds

Day #4 Being Present

Day #5  Garden Planning

Day #6 Learn to Grow Anywhere

Day #7 Top Tools to Have on Hand

Day #8 Learn about Good pests in your garden

Day #9 Vertical Gardening



Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.