Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #4


Being present in your garden is my best advice.

Taking a daily walk through the plants growing you’ll be able to catch any pests, diseases or issues that come up.

You’ll fall in love with it even more as you watch it grow from tiny seeds or plants into something beautiful and nourishing.

–> You Can’t Buy Happiness but YOU Can Buy Dirt <–

It’s as simple as that. Keep this in mind. You will thank me later.   I’m serious, it really is that simple. One of my favorite things to do is to just look, listen and observe.  I pick a time when I don’t plan on actually working in the garden. It’ll distract you if you see the 1000 weeds, something needs to be put away, and so on.  So a simple walk through with or without a  notebook to check on everything, really slow down and look and pay attention.

What to look out for?

  • Are there eaten leaves
  • Seeds that didn’t germinate
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Does it need to be watered
  • Anything need to be harvest
  • Do the tomatoes need to be pruned
  • Does something need to be staked up


Watch my video on what my “Real” Garden looks like last year. It’s not fancy but boy does it feed us good!


Watch the videos, let the message sink in and head on back to today’s facebook post and comment!


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Day #1    

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