Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Everything But The Kitchen Sink Casserole


Time to get your casserole on! This recipe is so versatile it's nuts. Just look in your fridge and pantry and see what you have to put together. It's a great way of using leftovers from veggies or meat. Also a great way to use up those Homesteading Items.


Seriously- Look what’s in your fridge?

Ok, let’s make a casserole!!

Printable Recipe HERE


Cheese * < - Learn How to Make Your Own
Sour Cream or Yogurt *
Veggies *
Meat *
Bacon *
Fried Onions

*denotes a Homesteading Item


    1. Cook the noodles according to the packages directions and place in the bottom of a 9x13 casserole dish. (or any size will do)
    2. Place cheese and mix in. Any cheese at this point can be used, as well as sour cream or yogurt.
    3. Stir in veggies and shredded/cooked meat.  If you need any salt & pepper mix in at this point.
    4. Place chopped/cooked bacon on top, then cover with fried onions and more cheese.
    5. Place in a preheated oven at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes or until done.


Options: You can use Greek Yogurt for your sour cream. Any cheese will do here, I tend to use Cheddar for everything. 




Printable Recipe HERE

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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