Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Chicken Bone Broth- The Easy Way!


Are you able to cook a whole chicken? If so then you’ll need to make this Chicken Bone Broth, it’s no fuss at all! Simply place in a crock pot with water and apple cider vinegar overnight! Voila delicious bone broth you can use in any casserole, sip on for health, use to cook your potatoes, and so many more uses!


Printable Recipe HERE     



Whole Chicken Cooked * <- Learn how HERE
Apple Cider Vinegar * <--Click to Learn How
Filtered Water

Fine Mesh Colander

*denotes a Homesteading Item


1. Remove all the bones and skin and other misc parts (besides the meat) and place into a crock pot.

2. Cover with water.

3. Place 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the crock pot.

4. Cover and place on low overnight.

5. The next morning or during the day, remove the lid and allow to cool.

6. Place a large fine mesh colander over a large bowl or pan and pour the chicken and broth into the colander and allow to drain and cool.

7. Once cooled you can pour the chicken bone broth into glass jars. Place lid and store in the fridge or place in the freezer. If you place in the freezer please allow for expansion of the liquid –at least 2 inches in a quart size jar.

You’ll know you got the good collagen when the broth has cooled and it becomes a gel!

How to Use Chicken Bone Broth:

    • Cook your potatoes in broth and water  when making mashed potatoes. Cheesey Potato <- Recipe!
    • Sip on a half a cup every day for collagen health benefits and so much more!
    • Use in any casserole to add nutritional benefits
    • Soups – soups- soups!!! <- Recipe!
    • Use this bone broth to make your Rice <- Recipe!
    • It’s a great deglazer in your cast iron pans for recipes

    If you make the soup you gotta use my immersion blender that I love and use constantly with soups & sauce is from amazon which you can get through my link HERE.


    Printable Recipe HERE

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