

Welcome to my Blog- I’ll share with you what our Homestead looks like and how we raise 80% of our food, all organically, sustainably, naturally and beautifully.

I’m hoping to inspire you that you can do this as well! God has provided our family with all the things, but the big thing He has given us is the drive to get ‘er done! We didn’t start out with all this, we started very slow, replacing one thing at a time, learning one thing at a time. 


As the pendulum swings from summer to fall can you feel the difference?

Do you feel the pull between long summer days full of sunshine, exhaustion and fun to the slower cooler days of fall?

I know I certainly do!  Trying to fit in those summer activities, enjoy the dwindling bright sun, harvesting and preserving all the crops is a tough job both mentally and physically.  I’m also looking forward to a routine (well as close as it as I can), slowing down just a bit, homeschooling the kids and chilling out.

Literally, because baby it gets cold outside.  We can have some really tough winters here in Northern  Michigan.  Last year we were completely spoiled as it was very mild. Even on Christmas we were outside completing what typically happens in fall (We raked leaves and placed them in the bare garden) Take a look at this video from the holidays last year.  What is your prediction for this winter? I’m afraid it might come back with a vengeance.

We are busying squirreling away the harvest, which is going better than I expected about a month ago and I’m VERY thankful for that.  Most of our food comes from the land and our hard work so we are always glad when we get enough and then some.

Currently canning Beans (Learn how HERE), my dragon farts salsa (funny name huh?), cutting wood for the wood boiler


This simple yet delicious soup is a great comfort as the pendulum swings between summer and fall.

You still have the flavor of summer with the Zucchini but the comfort of fall with creating soup.   With a few simple ingredients you’ll have a delicious soup whipped up in no time.

creamy easy zucchini soup recipe delicious

Click  HERE to see how EASY it’s made with just a few simple ingredients!

Very SOON I’ll have a very exciting update to share with you! I’m working on a few details but I’m very excited for it, if you were part of the Kitchen Revival or Garden Revival in my FREE Facebook group you’ll hear first about it! If not make sure to join HERE

Grab these amazing handcrafted Healing Boxes right from my Homestead before the PRICES GO UP! 

These make great gifts, so don’t miss out before the price adjustment.



Thank you for being here and I’ll be chatting with you again soon with more homestead shenanigans!

Laura Lawrence

NoMi Homesteader


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