Weed Tea

Learn how to make a fertilizer for free for your garden. Doesn’t that sound great? It sure does to me!! Once I heard about this Weed tea I was sold. And for a bonus it’s easy!!

Let’s get started! It’s a nice thing to start ahead of time because it takes several weeks to break down in order for you to use it.  So once that weather breaks get out there and make some Weed Tea.


What you need:
5 Gallon Bucket (Or something similar)

A Lid

Weeds & Grass Clippings




Fill your bucket with the weeds & grass clippings. It’s ok if there are seeds on the weeds because they will break down and will not be able to sprout.  Next fill the bucket with water and place the lid on it.

Place your bucket in a hot sunny spot like a green house or another similar area. Let sit for 2-6 weeks. You’ll see the water turn brown and the weeds are pretty broken down.


It’s ready to use! Beware it’s stinky!


How to use:

Your Weed Tea is pretty potent stuff so you’ll need another 5 gallon bucket or similar and you’ll take approx. 2 cups of the Weed Tea and pour it in the new bucket and add water. Now it’s time to apply to your plants. I suggest about 1 cup per plant but this has some leeway.


Plant on my friends!


Grab my Ultimate Gardening Bundle to learn everything from Seed to Preserving 

ultimate gardening bundle


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