Let’s Get Ready for a Revival!

Day #5

How to Start Your Garden Planning

Where to Start & Grab a Notebook to Keep Track 

Today I will be sharing with you an excerpt from my Garden Planning online course which is part of my Ultimate Garden Bundle (If your interested in the bundle click HERE and use coupon code “kitchenrevival” for $50 off!

Sometimes the starting point can be the hardest. What I suggest is to pick your family’s favorite foods and those are the one’s to start with.
Not quite pizza or french fries but you can certainly plant tomatoes for sauce and potatoes for the fries! I grow both of those like a  mad woman.

In this FREE mini ebook I’ll be showing you that starting point.  And honestly even if your a season gardener it may help to reign you in or refocus on the main crops to plant.  Sometimes we just want to DO IT ALL, but it’s  not always possible. There’s space limitation, time issues, resources come into play. So let’s focus on what YOU and the family actually eat.


This is a great spot to start! Click on any of the images to download the FREE 7 Page Mini Ebook to Get Started Today!

Below the images you will also find a video and a discussion how important it is to keep track of everything related to gardening. You’ll be really glad you took detailed notes to look back on.

Head back to the Facebook post and comment what you thought about today’s post! 


It’s very important to take the time to keep track of your Gardening Endeavors in a journal.

I’ve been taking notes since 2014! It’s awesome to look back at each year to see your progression, keep track of your harvest, make notes to improve upon. And you might be thinking “Oh I”ll remember” but trust me there’s a good chance you won’t. This is a good thing to do no matter the size of your Gardenio!

Here’s what I’ve been doing:

1. Keep track of your harvest dates by using the Harvest Tracker (See below) this way you can compare each years’ harvest

2. Also keep track of your preserving

3. Keep track of When you planted your seeds, root veggies, etc

4. Mark down how much you harvested as well

5. the Weather is important to keep track of! (Frost dates, heat, drought, rain, etc)

6. Review your last year’s “To Do” and see what you accomplished and what you need to transfer to the next year.

7. Mark down “TO DO’s” for the next year (Items you want to focus on, change, etc)

8. Costs (fertilizer, seeds, soil, infrastructure, sprays)

9. Draw out your Garden Layout

10. Anything you’d like to change for the next year or what you’ll keep the same

If your NEW Start HERE

Day #1    

Day #2

Day #3

Day #4 

Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. I only share links of products I either use or would be comparable to what I am currently using.

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[…] about adding in a few raised beds and using Day #5 on planning out your favorites to grow let’s have a Kitchen Garden as people like to call […]

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