Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Preservation & Harvest Trackers


Click on an image to download the trackers!

Even if you are just starting out, trust me you'll want to keep track of what you get. It can be quite exciting to start comparing many years later, and yes there will be many years you'll be doing this. It's addicitve.

Plus, seriously it's totally rewarding growing your own food and then looking back to see what you started with is great! If you've been doing this for a long time but forgot to document it or need an updated way to keep track of

Harvesting & Preserving -use these printable forms!
For the Preservation Tracker you'll have space to fill in the date - item - quantity- size- method. If a certain item doesn't need all filled in, skip it.

For the Harvest Tracker it's a great way to keep track each year when you start pulling stuff to eat from the garden. Every year I say to myself "Shouldn't I already be getting (Fill in the blank)" This way I can look back and see if something is way off or it's getting close to the time.

Print These Out Today! Click on the Image above to open the PDF!


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