Food Prood- The Homesteading Way- Store Carrots

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Storing Carrots

This is how I store carrots for a few months before I need to can them. If you want to learn to can carrots click HERE.
When it's time to pull the carrots - I usually do this after a frost (they become sweeter because of the cold and sugars in them)
We dig up the carrots carefully and do a quick wash outside using a fish cleaning table that is hooked up to a hose. They do not need to be super clean, just rinsed off. They also do not need to be dry, in fact I like them to have some water on them still. I then put them in large garbage bags, tie tightly and place them in the fridge. They will last this way for several months.

Note: Having a fish cleaning table that hooks up to your hose is amazing! I highly recommend it being right outside of your garden. When you wash off your veggies especially those root crops its' washing those nutrients from the dirt right back into your garden. It's a win win!

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