Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Grow Your Own Sprouts


Growing your own sprouts has greater health benefits and it’s cost effective and easy! Plus it's a great way to get some fresh nutrients during the winter months. It takes up a small space and little time.

Sprouts have a higher a number of nutrients in the first 7 days of growth! *
Let me show you how

First let’s get the equipment we need…. 3 things, that’s it!
+Sprouting seeds
+Mason Jar
+Sprout Lid

Now for the hard part….. just kidding!

--Start with a clean jar and place 1 table spoon of the seeds in your mason jar and rinse your seeds with the sprout lid on.

--While keeping those seeds in the mason  jar add filtered water to cover the seeds and soak overnight to start the germination process.

--For the next several days you will then rinse the seeds out 3x a day (draining the water)
After approx. 3 days the sprouts will be ready to use! If you do not use them all at once, store in the fridge for up to 7 days.


Note:  You can start several jars at once if you want more, use a larger container, or start 2 days apart to keep them coming!

Salad – Tacos – Burgers – Sandwiches

I prefer a salad mix or smaller seed type for sprouts – You can purchase HERE
Sprouting Kit – You can purchase HERE

Printable Recipe HERE

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