Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Welcome to Food Prood’s Sourdough Series

Tools & Tricks

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Tips & TricksWaking up & Putting to sleep starer 


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 Banneton Proofing Basket 2 Pack Quart Jars Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls Measuring Spoons & Cups Kitchen Scale Dutch Oven



  Well now you have a starter you get to feed it!  On a daily basis you will need to feed it ¼ cup water + ½ cup flour  (no chlorinated water) Cover the jar with a breathable cloth (I use a bit of cheese cloth) or a coffee filter held on by a rubberband.   If your starter has a darker liquid on top that is called “hooch” you can either stir back in or pour off (I pour it off) that means your starter is very hungry!

Everyday you will need to discard half of the starter – I store this in the fridge in a container with a lid. There are many recipes you can use for this discard.  Look for them in the recipe section! Like waffles, muffins, tortillas, etc.  Do NOT put discard down the drain, throw it away. Your pipes will thank you for this.

Why Do I have to Discard? In order to keep the acidity levels in balance a portion of it must be discarded before feeding.

I want to make bread!  Ok -once your starter is in the active stage (bubbly and risen about 3 hours after you mixed the ¼ cup water + ½ cup flour your starter will be ready to use!   You can tell by the bubbles and the mixture has doubled in size.  Recipes below, all breads, pizza dough, etc. You can mark the jar with a dry erase marker or use a rubber band to show the start volume. 

Do I have to feed it everyday?  No, not at all. You can put it to sleep in the fridge! Discard & Feed 1/4th cup flour 1/8th cup water, after 2 hours put it in your fridge. Leave it there and when you can, preferably on a weekly basis , take it out discard & feed and either use or place back in the fridge. 

Does this take a lot of time? Yes and no.  Most is hands off time but there is a lot of time in between rising and fermenting. The longer you let stuff ferment the more it has broken down and easier on your system to handle.  Sometimes it gives it a more “sour” flavor as well.

What do I feed it?  I feed mine with organic all-purpose flour (unbleached) you can feed it just about anything that is unbleached. White flour, bread flour, whole grain flour or a mix of all.  If yours is GF you can feed it brown rice flour or the GF mix I use found in the GF section of this workbook.


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