Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Welcome to Food Prood’s Sourdough Series

I am glad you’re here!!  Sourdough has become very popular lately and rightly so. I mean it’s BREAD!  Plus I believe that it’s a healthy option. I’m here to show you how I do Sourdough, how I started and how I have incorporated this into my daily life and I’m here to help YOU do the same!

Let’s get started!

I want to ensure you that is not daunting, scary or overwhelming. Of course I know it may seem that way, trust me I felt the exact same way. I was like what?!?! No way, sounds way to much work and just over my head. But trust me, it is not. You can do this! It’s simple once it gets broken down step by step which is exactly what I plan to do for you.

You can get started by either creating your own (which I did), purchasing a starter or be gifted one. Being gifted one is obviously the easiest, but creating your own will really help you appreciate how this bad boy works.    If you choose to start your own, it will take several weeks before you can bake bread with it. It needs to be alive enough (yeasty, bubbly goodness) in order to make the bread rise. However with all the discard (you’ll discover what this is all about soon) you can make plenty of yummy things in the mean time!!

See below my recommended products

Welcome Video!

Health Benefits

Click on an image to get started!

Recommended Items

 Banneton Proofing Basket

2 Pack Quart Jars

Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls

Pyrex Bread Baking Dish

Measuring Spoons & Cups

Kitchen Scale

Dutch Oven

Recommend Flour from Azure Standard & Wheat Berries

Watch ALL my Sourdough Videos in Order Here:

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