Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Sourdough Naan Bread



Or as my daughter calls it “Man” bread! You gotta love that and your gonna love this recipe for Naan bread. The dough is soft and pliable; it works great for wraps, flatbread chicken cheese, and even pizza. Of course good to rip up and use with hummus. 

Plus this Sourdough Naan Bread is easy to make and you could store this in the freezer to have some already made for a future time.  Allowing it to ferment overnight gives it that Sourdough flavor plus the added benefits of breaking down the phytic acid so your body enjoys it even more.  You could also mix it up in the morning and allow to ferment until ready to make for Dinner.

New to Sourdough? Click HERE or the image above to get started on all things Sourdough! Step by step directions on how to start your own starter plus many delicious recipes. 

Love Sourdough then simply sign up for my Homesteading Newsletter to grab my FREE Sourdough Ebook as a download now.

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½ cup Sourdough Discard (Or fed a few hours prior- any will do)
2 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour
½ Cup Milk
¼ Cup Plain Yogurt - Learn How to Make Your Own Greek Yogurt!
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 ½ Teaspoons Salt -
Grab Redmond’s Real Salt from Azure Standard


1. Mix together the Starter, Milk, Yogurt and Oil

2. Add in the salt & flour and mix well either by hand or using a stand mixer for a few minutes.

3. Cover the bowl (I usually use a towel) and let sit on the counter for 8-12 hours (or overnight). The dough will be slightly stiff.

4. Remove the dough from the bowl onto a floured surface.  Divide into 8 equal (ish) pieces.

5. Flatten to about a 6” diameter circle with either your hands (like I do) or a rolling pin.


6. Preheat your Skillet – Cast Iron works wonderful here! Turn on high and allow to heat up for several minutes.


7. Working with one flattened dough at a time place onto skillet. Cook for approx. 2 minutes and flip, cooking for another 2 minutes (or until you see char marks)


8. Once done remove and place in a towel and cover up. This helps keep them soft and warm until they are all done. Repeat with the remaining dough.


Printable Recipe HERE

Recipe adapted from Little Spoon Farm

Click on an image to get started!

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