Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Homemade Chicken Nuggets



    Delicious Homemade Nuggets & Fries
This can be a great lunch or dinner for kids and adults!
Psst they are healthy!!


Do you love Chicken Nuggets? How about Fries? Well this family certainly does especially when I make this recipe! This meal is really delicious, you won't want to buy from the store again! (or please not from a fast food place) Plus it's healthy, but "they" dont' have to know that! They'll just know it's delicious and will eat 'em up! Try this recipe I dare ya! Printable Recipe down below.

Printable Recipe Click HERE

Make these along with Homemade French Fries and add a veggie for a complete meal!

1 to 2 lbs Chicken Breasts cut into chunks *
4 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Cup Breadcrumbs *
4 Tbsp Parmesan/Cheddar Finely Grated Cheese *
Salt & Pepper 1 tsp each

*denotes a Homesteading Item


-Pour 1 Tbsp olive oil on a baking sheet

-Pour 3 Tbsp (you may need more depending on qty of chicken) into a bowl

-Mix breadcrumbs, 1 tsp each of S&P, parmesan cheese together in a separate bowl

-Dip chicken chunks one by one into olive oil than coat with the breadcrumb mixture, pushing lightly on each side.  Place onto prepared baking sheet. TIP: Use one hand for the olive oil/chicken and the other for the bread crumbs to keep your fingers from becoming club fingers all loaded up and wasting the gunk.

-When all the chicken is done place in a preheated 425 ° Oven for 15 minutes, then flip over (note: if they do not easily flip they are not ready to flip) bake for approx. another 5 minutes. Please keep watch depending on your oven and how large you cut the chunks.


How to Make Breadcrumbs: Loaf of bread or saved up ends/butts/rolls, etc (I save in the freezer until I get enough) Rip or chop up into large chunks/slices and place on a baking sheet in 325° for 30 minutes (can be much longer time depending on size/ frozen) make sure everything is completely dry. Place in a food processor or smash with a meat mallet. Place in a half gallon jar with a lid and you’ll have breadcrumbs whenever you need them! They never seem to go stale, yay!  I leave them plain until I mix up with spices depending on what I’m making.

Printable Recipe Click HERE

Make these Nuggets and Fries Below!

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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