Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.
May 2nd 2023
(herb garden)
I think I spoke to soon on a previous blog post- spring came…and then went and Winter came back again! We just received 6 inches of a white blanket in the form of snow! I know, it’s renewing the earth…putting water into the ground…yes all good stuff I get it, but just the other week it was 80. (Which btw we broke several records) Ever wonder what’s going on with the weather? It’s generally moody in these parts but dang!
I’m currently trying to get over a cold, which this past year I have been able to fight most of those buggers off with using my herbs in the form of Tinctures & Teas, which I love! But not this one, unfortunately I was unable to escape a stressful situation that lead to not much sleep – so the cold won. It was a good reminder for myself to make sure to avoid stress as much as possible and get enough sleep! I know your thinking of course lady… and it seems so obvious but when things are hittin’ the roof you forget what’s really important. So maybe you right now reading this needed that reminder- take a deep breath, take a walk and get sleep!!
Sometimes you just gotta say no! No really you do. It’s really hard though! But luckily it’s getting easier for me as I’m getting older, no I won’t tell you my age ;) See I just said “NO” a few times, go me!!
Are you being pulled in to many directions and your getting worn down? What can you say NO to?
To make things easier and cheaper – oh yes much much cheaper trymaking your own Dishwasher Detergent and Laundry Detergent! It may seem like an extra step to make something you could just purchase right off the shelf and use it right when you need it. But look making things for yourself that’s using better ingredients, very cost effective and easy to do is a great first step to becoming a Food Prood! Gosh no I’m not saying to eat the stuff silly, but what goes ON our body or ON our that our good goes on is just as important. So pick up some very simple ingredients from any big box store and whip up these bad boys and you’ll have plenty of clean detergent for a long time!
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