Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.

March 21, 2023

Maple Syrup- Rub’s- Taco Seasoning

Let’s continue the talk on Maple Syrup! Boy is it delicious, nothing like wood smoked maple syrup hot outta the pan! My husband has been enjoying this very much. It combines some of his favorite things- tree’s and fire! He’s built a really great fire pit thingy (that's the technical term) that really helps with the smoke and ashes to stay away from the sap while it’s boiling. I’m quite impressed. It’s temporary right now until we place it somewhere more permanent in the summer time. Right now everything is pretty much a  foot under snow except in some area’s where he’s been able to plow.  But what I’m super excited about is that we’ll be able to use this same concept to boil down my tomato sauce in the summer!! Last year I had it in a very large pot outside on a turkey fryer that’s connected to a small propane tank.  It was much better than boiling down the tomatoes (sooo many times) in the house, but this year it’s going to be even better! It’ll be in pans which will make more area that’s in contact with the heat to boil down quicker. Plus it’ll use wood, so basically free!  I can’t wait!! September here we come!

Now I love me seasoning, like season it up baby! Anything really, I really like spice. Not necessarily heat (although I do enjoy that) but I’m really into flavor. I love how flavors can come together to create something unique and delicious.  Today I’m featuing two of my favorite combos! A meat rub we have decided to call “JD’s Meat Rub” (after my husbands name Justin) and my Taco Seasoning

I highly suggest buying your spices in bulk (preferrably organic)- because it’s just more economincal. I have a friend who runs a Frontier Wholesale buying group which I buy a lot of my spices from, they have great prices.  Other times I purchase online and generally the cheapest place I”ve found is I purchase a lot of my gluten free items from them as well.


June 21st 2023

How a simple table changes everything

June 15th 2023

Homesteading aint’ pretty ya’ll

June 9th 2023

Is it rain? No, unfortunatley it is not.

June 8th 2023

Tomato Planting & Cheesy Orzo

May 21st 2023

Short & Sweet (Dandelions too)

May 17th 2023

Fries- Nuggets & Beans

May 2nd 2023
(herb garden) - Saying No - Tinctures

April 10th 2023

Starting New

March 21, 2023

Maple Syrup- Rub’s- Taco Seasoning

March 18th 2023

Starting Your Seeds Indoors – Building a Trellis in the Garden – What to do with Lard

March 13th 2023
All About the Chickens

March 4th 2023
Back from Vacation – Cookies – Creamy Pasta

February 24th 2023

Carnita's - Gardening Worksheets -Bagels & More

February 14th 2023

Honey Oat Bread - Pasta Carbonara - Marbling Fats

February 5th 2023
Weather – 15 Minute Dinner – French Toast – My Happy Place

January 30th 2023
Seeds- Kitchen Sink Casserole, say what? - Tostadas

January 21st 2023
Seed Starting - Muffins w Glaze - Cheesy Potatoes

January 18th 2023
Greek Yogurt - Sprouts - Lotion Bars - A Challenge

January 7th 2023
New Recipes- Semi Famous Pizza Sauce- Healing a Wound

December 29th 2022

Launch of my Sourdough Series!

December 16th 2022
Gateway Cheese - Canning Carrots - Preserving Lemons

December 11th 2022
Rice– Artisan Fancy Loaf – Coffee

December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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