Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.

March 18th 2023

Starting Your Seeds Indoors – Building a Trellis in the Garden – What to do with Lard

Oh yes I feel the garden calling my name even though we just got another layer of snow with…more coming….again.  Yes that photo is from this morning! Here in zone 4b we still got a bit to go.
When I do get outside (which I admit is not as much as I should) I walk around the gardens, well I trudge around the outside of my gardens in my boots sinking into the snow I dream of the days I’ll be sweating and working my butt off with my hands in the soil, growing things. All the things.

But first- we need to start seeds!
Last year I recorded some videos on my setup. It’s fairly simple but highly effective.  It’s worked very well for me for about a decade.  Here’s the playlist

What you’ll need
1. Heirloom seeds (don’t mess with the genetically modified one’s, it’s just gross)
2. Seed Heat Mat
3. Seeds Trays & Dome Cover
4. Spray Bottle
5. Good Soil – I use Dairy Doo Seed Starter
6. Lights

To Find Out How I start My seeds Click HERE for my FREE Seed Starting Guide!

Building a Trellis in the Garden
Growing vertically is such a great way to maximize space but it does so much more than that. It looks cool first off- it can be quite a show piece especially when growing purple podded pole beans. My bean trellis is a show stopper and it’s becoming famous in my local area. How cool is that? Plus these purple podded pole beans I’ve been seed saving for many many years!

 Laura’s Garden & Trellis Systems

Hog Panels & rebar  Video HERE
These hog panels are bent over in a dome shape and held in place by 3 foot rebar sections that are placed into the ground. Two on the outside and 1 on the inside.  The space in between the dome is approx. 5 feet.  Plant beans on each side of the hog panels (inside & out) You could also use cattle panels, however the spacing in between in much larger, I prefer the hog panels.




Peas growing up a hog panel with cilantro in between.





You can also use pallets for the peas to grow up on.

Hog panels can also be used in the trellis/ arch system for Cucumbers. You could also cut the hog panels into sections (approx. 3 feet) for Cucumbers and Tomatoes.






Lard- Oh what to do with Lard?
Are you able to aquire lard from a fried or a local butcher? If so, good for you! We love lard around here, we saute with it all the time.  We also use it to make delicious sourdough pie crusts for both sweet & meat pies.  I also make soap with it. I do not buy any soap from the stores anymore because we love our Lard soap.  And no, I do  not smell like bacon…although that’s not exactly a bad thing.

Want to learn to render Lard, click HERE.
Interested in Making Lard Soap, click HERE.

Make my sourdough pie crust HERE.


June 21st 2023

How a simple table changes everything

June 15th 2023

Homesteading aint’ pretty ya’ll

June 9th 2023

Is it rain? No, unfortunatley it is not.

June 8th 2023

Tomato Planting & Cheesy Orzo

May 21st 2023

Short & Sweet (Dandelions too)

May 17th 2023

Fries- Nuggets & Beans

May 2nd 2023
(herb garden) - Saying No - Tinctures

April 10th 2023

Starting New

March 21, 2023

Maple Syrup- Rub’s- Taco Seasoning

March 18th 2023

Starting Your Seeds Indoors – Building a Trellis in the Garden – What to do with Lard

March 13th 2023
All About the Chickens

March 4th 2023
Back from Vacation – Cookies – Creamy Pasta

February 24th 2023

Carnita's - Gardening Worksheets -Bagels & More

February 14th 2023

Honey Oat Bread - Pasta Carbonara - Marbling Fats

February 5th 2023
Weather – 15 Minute Dinner – French Toast – My Happy Place

January 30th 2023
Seeds- Kitchen Sink Casserole, say what? - Tostadas

January 21st 2023
Seed Starting - Muffins w Glaze - Cheesy Potatoes

January 18th 2023
Greek Yogurt - Sprouts - Lotion Bars - A Challenge

January 7th 2023
New Recipes- Semi Famous Pizza Sauce- Healing a Wound

December 29th 2022

Launch of my Sourdough Series!

December 16th 2022
Gateway Cheese - Canning Carrots - Preserving Lemons

December 11th 2022
Rice– Artisan Fancy Loaf – Coffee

December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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